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Trouble browsing while using 1.8

Doc Doofus

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I could use some help troubleshooting this. Since switching to 1.8, I have had trouble using my FireFox browser while utorrent is downloading. Let me give some examples.

1. I start Firefox. Rather than going to the homepage, Google, I get a blank screen and no error message. The circling dots in the top right corner that usually signify that the browser is busy downloading the page don't flicker. It just stops. Repeated clicking on the Home icon will eventually get it to go to the Google Homepage.

2. I'm on a webpage and I click on a link. Nothing happens. I click on it again, and again and again. Nothing happens, no error message, no busy animation. Eventually, it works.

3. Clicking on a link on my bookmarks list gets the same treatment.

I can get this to stop by going to utorrent and putting all active torrents on pause. Or I can just exit utorrent. Either way, the problem is fixed. When I start utorrent again, the problem does not reoccur until utorrent has run a while, possibly because it takes a certain amount of time to get back up to full speed. I never encounter this problem when I'm not running utorrent.

I use Comodo firewall. The same thing happens with the firewall down. I switched out my Linksys router, last night, to see if that would fix the problem, but it didn't. I use Charter Commjnications cable.

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upload limit 40

connections per torrent 80

max active torrents 9

upload slots 8

connections global 750

max active downloads 8

I have two downloading torrents, although it varies. I usually have a few Firefox windows open surfing blogs. I'm running XP sp 3. And everything was fine with 1.7.7

Having read the other threads on here, with other people experiencing the same problem with 1.8, I'm starting to think this may just be a bug in 1.8. Perhaps I should go back to 1.7.7 until there is a more stable version.

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If you think it's networking problems you can try the 1.8.1 version, they fixed something which works between uTorrent and the networking stack.

By the way, your settings are NOT conducive to sharing. Divide 40 by 9 (active torrents) * 8 (upload slots per torrent)... You want a 40 KiBps upload, follow at LEAST the Speed Guide numbers for preset xx/384 Kbit ... or Switeck's numbers for xx/320 Kbit http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=34259

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Well, there is still this thread:


My problem is fixed, though. It's not that I'm unwilling to help -- I just feel inadequate to the task and I have many things to do. I reported it here, first, in case it was a common occurrence with a simple fix, but another person in that thread said that he/she went back to 1.7.7. Perhaps it helps to know that whatever is wrong, if anything, is in a mod between 1.7.7 and 1.8

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I also would like to state your settings are bad.

If you ever hit 9 torrents active with 8 upload slots allowed per torrent...then your upload speed would be split 72 ways if uTorrent allowed it. :(

That's barely 0.5 KiloBYTES/second per person you're uploading to. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm back. Just want to say that going back to 1.7.7 didn't fix the problem. I'll go back to 1.8

As for my settings, I don't know how to best set them up, and the guides are rather confusing. When I go with the settings that are appropriate for my 3mb broadband connection, my downloads suffer. After some fiddling with the upload speed limit, reducing uploads to 40k seems to provide the best download response, all other settings being the same. Reducing my setting to 384k doesn't seem to get better response.

But that's all besides the point of the thread, which is the messed up web browsing when my torrents have been running a while. I can live with that for now. Exiting utorrent and restarting it fixes the problem for at least a few minutes at a time.

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Your "3mb broadband connection" probably only has 3 megabits/second DOWNLOAD...its upload is a tiny fraction of that and uTorrent is set based on sustainable UPLOAD max, not download.

Part of the reason why higher settings aren't used is not because it can't give faster download speeds...but because if even a tiny fraction of people do it, EVERYONE's download speeds will suffer. And often even if only 1 person does it, their download speed gains may be minimal.

Try the 448 kilobits/second upload settings in the 2nd link in my signature, since that seems to match the 40 KiloBYTES/second upload speed you had.

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I think he already tried that "Reducing my setting to 384k doesn't seem to get better response." ... but my question would be... what else did you change as mentioned in the sticky? Halfopen limits have only RECENTLY been "fixed" ... uTorrent apparently didn't wait long enough for the connections to time out before trying more. That explains the majority of people with problems with the initial version (and up to b.12130) of 1.8

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