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Upload speed


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Hi, there.

I have a doubt ( only one? ) about the table of Switeck about upload speed and other related characteristics.

In the first column ( CONNECTION TYPE ) the Upload Maximum refers to the upload maximum provided by the ISP ( THEORETICAL) or the calculated by the Speed Guide ( Speed test ) ?

Thank you for the explanation.


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My table sets upload speed below what a line of those speeds SHOULD be capable of.

...At least up to 5 megabits/second upload. Beyond that, it gets closer to theoretical limits.

The 100 megabit/second upload one is impractical unfortunately as 100 megabit/second network cards/routers tend to only be about 80-95% usable. Even packet latency makes it harder to get much higher. :(

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No, Switeck.

My ISP provides : Download - 24 Mbps and Upload - 1024 Kbps.

With µtorrent I attained the maxima real speeds : Download -~~ 450 KBps and Upload = 47 KBps this last one imposed by me accordingly the speed guide. I know the speeds also depend from the other peers and seeds. But even so, is this normal?

Thanks and good day.

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You're probably not close enough to your ISP's connectors (DSLAMs)...so you're not getting the full amount. It's a limitation of their design.

Still, if you're able to upload at 47 KiloBYTES/second in uTorrent you can probably use settings close to (but just under) that.

Closest one under that is 448 kilobit/second upload settings, at 40 KiloBYTES/second max upload speed.

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Excuse me, Switeck, but I didn't understand your last paragraph:

" Closest one under that is 448 kilobit/second upload settings, at 40 KiloBYTES/second max upload speed. "

Can you be more explicit?

Thanh you for your kindness and availability.


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The settings on my chart that are closest but just under your max upload of 47 KiloBYTES/second is the 448 kilobit/second upload settings, at 40 KiloBYTES/second max upload speed, 4 upload slots, 40 connections per torrent, 100 global connections, 3 active torrents, 2 downloading torrents.

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