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Hey all,

Have read the previous thread about uninstalling but think I need a little more help. I need to uninstall to reinstall it as am having a few probs and am hping that will remedy them. When I delete the .exe file though, it says that I need permission to perform this action in a box entitled "destination access folder denied". When I click on "Try again" the same box just reappears.

What am I doing wrong? The .exe file is saved onto my external hard drive, does this make any difference?

Many thanks


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What kind of problems? Generally speaking of resetting uT, you need to go to the %APPDATA%\uTorrent folder and delete settings.dat and create a new blank file called settings.dat in its place. You can backup settings.dat.old to something else like settings.dat.broken if you like. It sounds like you need to remove it by running as admin. You're running vista aren't you?

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Yes, running on vista. The problem is that nothing is now downloading at all. When going through mininova and others, the utorrent page opens, and has the list of all my previous downloads, but the new download itself doesn't start or even show on the list. Am not hugely competent at using it either, so thought simplest way forward might be just to uninstall and then re download utorrent.

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