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Download Speed, downloads extra MBs


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Ive got a Internet Usage Meter i use called Net Meter to keep track of all the connections that go on my computer..but in the last 2 days when ever i download any file with uTorrent my Net Meter will add an extra 40 KB/s to what i already am downloading at on uT. So if i download a 150 MB episode my Net Meter will show i download all the 150 MB but with extra 25 MBs which adds up if i where to download more episodes

Here is a screenshot. Ive got the speed there and then on the right side of the screen i got the net meter. the meter is ussualy right or off my 1or 3 kbs but not by this much


I have not change any of the setting on uT it only adds extra KB/s on uTorrent...I had never had this problem before the Net meter im using works fine but this been happening and i dunno how to fix this any help?

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If you'd like to paste a picture of your Connection settings, most easily obtained by opening the Speed Guide (Ctrl-G)... usually you get < 10% extra ('overhead' is what it is called) for protocol communication between peers, but some settings aggravate this.

If you have a quota, and you want to reduce non-data download, follow the steps in the troubleshooting sticky post #2 which includes disabling features and reducing your connection counts.

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I would recommend changing your Queue settings to the preset for your connection speed (presumably xx/256) or lowering it further to Switeck's recommendations http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=34259

Stop using Force-Start. As an equal and efficient sharer, you will upload more, which will inturn allow you to download more consistently from peers. If you are no longer splitting your limited upload into possible fractions of a KiBps per peer, you should see speeds increase overall, barring outside ISP interference. You didn't seem to be uploading all that much in the previous screenshot.. Even with a 2:1 peers to seeds ratio uploading 3 KiB (9 total according to NetMeter) is like not uploading anything... which is very poor performance for p2p.

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