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Torrents start automatically

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I'm fairly new to using utorrent. I have downloaded several torrents and after the completion of a new torrent old torrents will pop up and begin again after they have already been deleted. I don't really know where to begin to look for a solution to this. The only way I've been able to get them to stop coming up is to stop the torrent from downloading, but more just keep popping up. Any help would be appreciated.


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If you are restarting, you will likely see, in the Logger tab, before you close uT "Unable to save resume.dat" Depending on whether uT is self-contained, and what OS you're on you may need to run as administrator.

So, if the same torrents are listed when you start uT whether you add say 100 or remove all of them.. you've got a problem with the resume.dat

Double check that as well as your AppData folder under your user profile, if you go to the Properties, and make sure Permissions are listed for full read/write, not just Read-Only.

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