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Static Upload?


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Static upload -> Constant/same upload. For example: my max upload speed is 64 KB/s. In utorrent I'd set max. upload rate to 63 KB/s. Now I'm uploading a torrent, 63 KB/s would be the constant/even/static/allways the same speed. With minimum ups and downs in speed of course. Suggesting there are enough people connected to my upload....Emule clients have this feature.

I hope i didn't complicated too much :)

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Kn3dL, the reason is uTorrent down/upmeter is counting "clear" data rate being transfered without the overhead. That means the upload speed uTorrent indicates is always smaller by 1-2 percent than the real upload used by it.

So, if your upload is 64kB/s then you have to setup upload rate in uTorrent accordingly lower. How much lower - you have to test it by yourself. Try turning on popular torrent, then - after a while - look at uTorrent graph. If your upload rate is still "jumpy" then you should lower it, repeat until upload graph is flat.

Ah, and if your connection is asymetric you can additionally suffer the download-throttling-by-upload syndrome, but this is another issue (the sympthoms can look similar, though)

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