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Upload speed 7-8x faster than download


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Hi everyone, first post. This has been a constant problem ever since I started torrenting, it's not a new issue. No matter what torrent I do, my upload speed always seems to be around seven or eight times faster than my download speed, even towards the end of my download. I have both download and upload limit set to unlimited, my global max connections is 600, my max peers per torrent is 500, and there are 8 upload slots per torrent. My bandwidth is around 1.5 megabytes/second, and my downloading speeds are never higher than 200kilobytes/second, so I know it's not a bandwidth problem. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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  • 6 months later...

Very few connections are truly Synchronous in upload and download bandwidth. And like Switeck said, ComCast has a high burst rate, that will make it appear that one is higher than it actually is. Figure out what your max sustainable is and set your client based on that. (there's no guarantee your upload will be slower.)

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