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fast torrent recommendation


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I'm clearly being throttled, and my ISP denies it, and claims that my client is at fault.

I know about the OOo torrent, but have heard people here on the forums claiming that it is not downloading fast lately.

can someone recommend a specific torrent that can max out my connection? (1.5Mbps/96kbps)

If I don't max out my connection on a torrent that causes the rest of you to max out your connection, I can prove to my ISP that I am being throttled.

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Im on 012.net.il, With the 1.5mbit\96kbits package. I've been with them for over two years, and i signed a contract for two more. No throttling what so ever that ive noticed (definitly not in BT). Maybe some small FTP shaping, not sure.

I think i maxed out on OOo, around 170-180kB/s.

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