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ARM build


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We work with commercial partners to port to specific NAS platforms. It's often a considerable amount of work and is part of what pays the bills at BitTorrent. Newer Buffalo Linkstations ship with a µTorrent based client for those that are interested.

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Sad news. One might think though, now that the linux port is under way, it would be

easy to just make a "generic ARM build", if that is even possible, but it seems to be

directly conflicting with your business model so we will understand if there isn't one...

Keep doing a great job and, in essence, fuel the torrenting "community"!!!

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Sad news. One might think though, now that the linux port is under way, it would be

easy to just make a "generic ARM build", if that is even possible, but it seems to be

directly conflicting with your business model so we will understand if there isn't one...

It it not so much about interfering with the business model, since you'd likely fall under the personal non-commercial use license category and the business partners will be making money on the sale of their devices with BitTorrent software installed so they would have a different license. It is more that every device is different. Not all devices and tool chains support all the features we need. Sometimes we need to code work-arounds. Sometimes we find out about issues only after days of stress testing the software on the device. There's a fair amount of work involved for each device.

Resolving the unique and often unpredictable problems encountered is one reason we get paid for this work; companies benefit by us reducing their time-to-market risk since we have the experience and proprietary tools to identify and resolve the issues that arise. We couldn't make a "generic" ARM build because in my experience there is no such thing as a generic ARM NAS or other embedded device.

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Thank you for taking the time to shed some light on the matter.

I understand that the ARM side of linux is much more fragmented and

diverse than the x86 one.

Keep up the good work and keep squashing those bugs!!!

Some of us do understand the work you have to do and the

stress involved in knowing the sheer number of people

using utorrent and the fact that the way torrenting works

right now rests solely on your coding skills!!!

Thank you

(I would really love to see a port for the Plugapps distro (In essence, Arch linux for ARM working

on the Sheeva platform by Marvel, very popular with NASes))

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
A generic ARM version isn't possible due to toolchain differences across ARM devices.

Why not?

A build for armv5te (no vfp) is good enough (use -march=armv5te for gcc). If there are some libraries issues then build it with -static.

ARMv5te instruction set should run on all modern NAS systems today that are ARM base.

If you really insist in adding really old machines (which I don't think uTorrent will ever run due to memory issues), then build it with armv4

The result binary won't be super optimized for the processor, but it should run on any 500MHz ARM processor.

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Sad news. One might think though' date=' now that the linux port is under way, it would be

easy to just make a "generic ARM build", if that is even possible, but it seems to be

directly conflicting with your business model so we will understand if there isn't one...[/quote']

It it not so much about interfering with the business model, since you'd likely fall under the personal non-commercial use license category and the business partners will be making money on the sale of their devices with BitTorrent software installed so they would have a different license. It is more that every device is different. Not all devices and tool chains support all the features we need. Sometimes we need to code work-arounds. Sometimes we find out about issues only after days of stress testing the software on the device. There's a fair amount of work involved for each device.

Resolving the unique and often unpredictable problems encountered is one reason we get paid for this work; companies benefit by us reducing their time-to-market risk since we have the experience and proprietary tools to identify and resolve the issues that arise. We couldn't make a "generic" ARM build because in my experience there is no such thing as a generic ARM NAS or other embedded device.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
[...]Not all devices and tool chains support all the features we need. Sometimes we need to code work-arounds.


We couldn't make a "generic" ARM build because in my experience there is no such thing as a generic ARM NAS or other embedded device.

Hi guys,

I understand that it is not possible to prepare a "generic" ARM build due all the reasons you mentioned. But maybe there is a way for prepare simple ARM build and release it as a unstable build with a list of required features on machine? Many folks would really appreciate it. Probably there gonna be some volunteers to prepare code work-arounds to make it work. It would be unstable, but then again it could work.

Of course you guys have plenty of work even without it, but it probably doesn't harm to ask.

Keep up the good work!


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