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Utorrent won't start downloading


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well i assumed that, im guessing that it is a network issue because i do not have access to the sip because i live on campus which means i use public internet. I cannot change the network settings to fix this because i don't know which routers are in use. It still says i should be able to download though.

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I also have this problem- I've tried everything, I'm not an idiot, I have been able to download anything fine at my house and on alternate internet sources, but I think when it comes to public wifi (I live on a University campus as well) I get shafted and can't download anything. It sits at 0%... I can't change any of the firewall settings for the internet because I am obviously not an admin. I guess there's nothing I can really do, but if there were some genius out there who new about some way to get by this, that would be great! (note: I can't download proxies, I've tried TOR/Vidalia... I am honestly stumped here).

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