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uTorrent Remote doesn't work in IE11


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  • 1 month later...

I have the same issue, I had report at https://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=142420, sadly there is no response.

I am sure that I have put remote.utorrent.com in the trusted site category of IE and make the security level to be lowest which would not block any script.

This issue is actually a script issue which a script statement trigger a IE JavaScript interperter runtime error:

SCRIPT5009: 'dimensions' is undefined

File: btapp.js, Line: 961, Column: 76

The break point is on such a statement:

Object.each(e.planes,function(t,c){var j=c.capitalize(),o=this.getStyle©;if(o=="auto"&&!dimensions)dimensions=this.getDimensions();o=h[c]=o=="auto"?dimensions[c]:o.toInt();w["total"+j]=o;t.each(function(p){var z=b(p,h);w["computed"+p.capitalize()]=z;w["total"+j]+=z})},this);return Object.append(w,h)}})}).call(this);

according to MSDN, this is such an error:

Undefined identifier

You attempted to use an identifier that the JavaScript compiler does not recognize. The undefined value is returned whenever you use:

•a variable that does not exist,

•a variable that has been declared, but never had a value assigned to it,

•an object property that does not exist.

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