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Completing Torrents that have no seeders & to rebuild torrent archives


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Have had on the list for a few months a few torrents that no longer have seeders but many peers at over half % of the torrent on or two 80% and 90%

One of these was an easy fix to make seed status though hadn't realise previously. Remastered thing it was those extra tracks. If had realised I would not have bothered with it to start with. Anyway located non torrent of these things complete and easily made the torrent to seed status. So now other have completed this torrent and all are now seeding it.

Now have all these other old torrents on the list that maybe could be made good or near enough to 90% or higher or to seed status.

ClrMamePro and RomVault use .dat files though for torrent we need similar tools for .torrent files.

if had something something for torrent like ClrMamePro or RomVault. Where can input .torrent point to folder of files and see if it can make the difference by checking with (all these at once) sha1, crc32, md5 to be sure of correct data and maintain torrent integrity. Someone who knows what these tools do know of the same type of tools for .torrent files.

Even could be more use where you know you have a greater percentage of the torrent. But file names and structure are incorrect. Tools like ClrMamePro and RomVault can easily while checking rename and rebuild folder structure.

If nothing is known is anyone considering making such tool that would be useful to have for .torrent use.




As a .torrent file can be fully parsed for all information for rebuild or partial rebuild (depending on original files the user may have, sometimes none). Since the .torrent has all the info needed (the file and folder structure and knows sha1 for verifying). That using a torrent we could check against files we have and rebuild the file and folder structure *only* using sha1 as is better than crc32 and maybe md5 so only correct files are rebuilt to file and folder as each .torrent needs with full renaming same as the .torrrent files and folders.

Original source files are always left as is never harmed or deleted. We simply give such tool the torrent from that it knows what files and sha1 for them are need to rebuild to another destination.

Reason for this I find sometimes but not knowing unless manually do the above which can take some time to do. Manually copy files, change names to torrent ones same for folders and use torrent check to verify how many are correct. If I can do this manually sure a tool could exist to do it far easier for us. It is what computers are good at doing things quicker than humans.

clrmamepro and romvault was a reference that computers can rebuild given a .dat file for us would be a torrent. Given that Torrent loader and other such tools can let us already see the torrent contents and details.Including file names, file and folder structure is an easy way to see that this could be possible.

All we need is a tool to parse same as those tools and rebuild to what those tools know. Shouldn't be to hard for someone to do. After all it won't make torrents bad given amount of checking if used sha1, md5 and crc32 and others which ever are the best and maintain integrity.

I write further for this in case you or other didn't understand how easy it could be to make such helpful tool for us to use. Hope there is enough detail in here for you or others to make this possible, will keep an eye over at Sourceforge for this. Have a name with torrent in it, something like torrent rebuilder or to make finding such tool easy for everyone :)

As a .torrent file can be fully parsed for all information for rebuild or partial rebuild

No it can't, the meta data only has the piece size, the number of pieces and a hashsum signature of each of the pieces, and it is NOT a reversible encryption that could be used to rebuild the original data.

NO BitTorrent client actually understands the file and directory structure of the payload, it is the operating systems that handles that, otherwise Windows clients would not be able to peer with Mac or Linux clients at all ... EVER simply because of the differences in the respective disc filing systems.


Torrent Loader

Able to parse a .torrent file

Shows files and folder structure

size sha1 for all files and folders

Which is all that is need to rebuild

* By rebuild I mean 'Someone's Original data' the Files and folder structure from a .torrent file

Not the actual .torrent file itself

Someone's Original data

./ABC (folder)/With lots of XYZ (Data)

Someone uses client or a tool to make .torrent file from the folder above with lots of XYZ data within it

A Rebuild Tool

1. Input .torrent File

2. Rebuild Tool Parses the .torrent file for all files and folders structure and the sha1 for each of those

3. User selects a folder or a drive for Rebuild Tool to search. To see if it can find any of those files from using each sha1 hashsum and each file size.

4. Any files Rebuild Tool find and matches exactly sha1 and file size. Rebuilds as much as possible of each file as much since maybe file found contains only % of the exact data.

5. With that % found data is rebuilt to same structure. Rename files and make folders in a destination location (another drive).

Could be also seen useful for those people that have only limited bandwidth each month. Able to join a torrent at higher % if already have some of the data.

Or another use someone puts up a .torrent and later adds more data but file names and folder structure is now different. Use Rebuild tool to correct File names and folder structure and able to update with new torrent using the files you already have. After downloading update able to seed 100% of the full torrent data. Many uses I can see but first we need a Rebuild Tool to do this.

Hope it is clear. I leave this now as is hopefully someone will see exactly how I see it. And figure if at all possible able to make it happen. Will keep a look over at Sourceforge.net maybe someone makes this tool and post it there for everyone to find and use it.


You are still missing, or ignoring the fact that BitTorrent clients do NOT use or understand FILES and folders at the level you are considering.

The file and directory structure is NOT important or even useful to a BitTorrent payload, neither is the SHA1 (or MD5) hash of a FILE.

It is the underlying structure and byte sequence of the actual binary (or hexadecimal) data that BitTorrent clients understand and use and the hashsum in the metadata is the signature of an individual 1,2,4 or 8 MB PIECE of that binary data.

Also each piece MAY contain the binary data of ONE, or MORE FILEs and a file may be split across SEVERAL PIECES. <<< read that bit <<< carefully, because that is where your idea falls apart totally with respect to BitTorrent.


hash split between one or more files so if nothing can make sense of it all is lost. Though computers are made to such tasks. Since clients and other software's can un-jumble the hash mess ( when not 0123abc, ordered) to show all folders and files structure.

It's an idea better to leave it at that. Who knows maybe someone has an idea from this thread that could become this. who knows what may happen ! as the saying goes anything is possible, nothing is impossible !

nothing is impossible

Try scratching your left elbow with your left hand. :)

But in computer terms breaking a Secure Hash Algorithm ver1 CAN be done for a few characters (less than 20) in several hundred CPU days. But brute force for five or six thousand 4 Mebibyte pieces????

There probably isn't enough processing power in the entire world to manage that in less than a couple of decades or so.

Some things may not be impossible,...but are they praticable?

nothing is impossible

Try scratching your left elbow with your left hand. :)

But in computer terms breaking a Secure Hash Algorithm ver1 CAN be done for a few characters (less than 20) in several hundred CPU days. But brute force for five or six thousand 4 Mebibyte pieces????

There probably isn't enough processing power in the entire world to manage that in less than a couple of decades or so.

Some things may not be impossible' date='...but are they praticable?[/quote']

Even worse than what you're saying. SHA1 is 20bytes of data that maps to potentially 8MB of data. This is a many-to-one relationship. Even if you got a hit on the hash, you can't know for sure if the data is correct.

Anyway, there is no way to step through and generate 8MB of data. The amount of combinations of 8MB of data is 2^67,108,864, which is an insanely large number. There isn't enough energy in the universe to go through 2^256 numbers. It is impossible to build a computer that can count from 1 to 2^256.

SHA1 is 20bytes of data that maps to potentially 8MB of data

No! The BitTorrent hashsum does NOT "map" to ANY amount of data, the twenty byte hashSUM value is a SIGNATURE ie; a value derived from the binary data values, it does NOT REPRESENT the data is any way shape or form.

It is not hashed for cryptographic purposes, the data is hashed for VERIFICATION purposes, therefore CANNOT be used under ANY circumstance for data recovery

Did you miss reading this sentence in post #4??

No it can't, the meta data only has the piece size, the number of pieces and a hashsum signature of each of the pieces, and it is NOT a reversible encryption that could be used to rebuild the original data.

One software I have used previously I recently remembered when dropeed a .torrent then drop torrent data on it's UI it would check torrent against the data see see if exact and report all differences found.

Since such software can verify and even make sure data is even if part correct is correct this solution is nearly there. I do remember it could make better those torrents that left a lot of output text files (if use this version you need this torrent client version etc) padded files I think they are called. From memory could even check partial data and if any unheeded data was present would cut that away and save data to another location. So that is near a total rebuild ability. I did test it for rebuild and remember if data had same folder structure and file names as torrent had it would be ok and verify. But if folder structure or file names were not correct then it couldn't rebuild. If you know of this software a link would be helpful but more over maybe someone can analyse it and make it better. By been able to look at any data as the tool can do but rebuild the file found to same .torrent folder and file s with names corrected.

So when you say it is not possible this tool was 99% there and could do it all except not rebuild to folder structure and rename. That I would think would be the easy part to fix if know of the software. I think I found it on an old file site or maybe a free ftp maybe both long gone. Hopefully not the software I remember the name had Check in it full name I cannot remember.

@ ciaobaby 'Try scratching your left elbow with your left hand

Double jointed people that their limbs could do that

Do you think people would prefer you SHOUTING or highlight as Shouting in your posts !

Double jointed people that their limbs could do that

They would also need to be somewhat physically deformed also, because the relative lengths of forearm and thumb makes it geometrically impossible.


Even with all the information included in the .torrent, you're still effectively trying to bruteforce SHA-1, which is EXTREMELY impractical from a processing speed perspective.

EVEN WITH gpu processing, you're still looking at machine DECADES to win the race.


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