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Auto-download small files


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Today, users can skip downloading files and users do it especially with small files. They actually have the major part of the torrents but they don't want to download tiny files (that won't harm their computers) compared to the huge torrents. By doing this they report that they are peers causing seeds to constantly try to connect to them for nothing. My suggestion is that uTorrent will auto-download these small files thus reporting that the client is actually a seed.

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It'll will happen if the developers decide to implement it. Do you have any idea how many files you have on your computer that you were "forced" to download by other softwares? A huge number and they don't cause any harm. Disks today aren't 10MB in size. Computers are full of files and a few more small files won't harm them. These clients are actually seeds and just because of this users behavior they are seen as peers giving not really accurate numbers to the queuing system and causing unnecessary connection attempts. 

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