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Everything posted by rafi

  1. well, here is my theory - it's about ~5% of your upload rate. This is approximately the TCP Ack overhead for this connection, and uT shows it. As I remember , this is usually due to the fact that you have your adv->net.calc_overhead set to true (as I do... ). This is a good thing (at least for my poor unbalanced 1:10 connection) since it makes uT refer to the limits you set in the true sense of the total traffic, not only the data. So, the side effect is that you also see this overhead in the numbers. You can try to reset your calc_overhead (if I'm right ) and this will seem to disappear. Actually it's still out there - and you can see it using an external speed measurement tool... I would suggest to the devs to maybe add another option - to control if to VIEW the speed with or w/o the overhead.
  2. can you give an example of a pair of upload/download speeds for a single torrent?
  3. what's you seeding speed ? and what's the value of adv->net.calc_overhead ?
  4. @DeathStalker: Didn't I say that UDP trackers are NOT supported in 1.8.x ? and moogly said that 255 is bad for backword compatibility. so why use it now and get less uTP seeds ? ...
  5. no. they are not supported only for the udp trackers. peers UDP connections are supported in 1.8.x
  6. #1 in the "peers tab" - you see a [utp] notation #2 not available here... have to use 2.x as they say - you cannot win them all...
  7. in 1.8.5 - just set advanced->bt.trans_disposition = 15 (for both UDP & TCP) and u r done...
  8. oh, thanks... no one else has implemented it ? ...
  9. "- Change: complete upload-only extension support" - what is it ?
  10. and I suspect that another part of your problems stem from your attitude. It's is s free piece of software . You should thank the devs for it (and bug them a bit for more... )
  11. clean up what ? some programs do keep the settings files after un-install so to be able to upgrade easier to the next release . So maybe an option for this in the un-installer can help.
  12. so ? just un-install both...
  13. maybe the devs are waiting for this http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=436689#p436689 before they put it on the auito updater ? ...
  14. Feature: A new tunable option in advanced setting for failover peer speed threshold what is it exactly ?
  15. I was hinting that there is no need to close/start uTorrent if the scheduler works ...
  16. the uT scheduler should be good enough for that (if it's working correctly...). I think there might be an issue with it and RSS triggered downloads.
  17. @aland: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=435887#p435887 maybe related, mabe not...
  18. thank you for your answer. very informative indeed. as they say - better late then never and since it was a two-part question, I hope someone will refer to the second part as well ...
  19. and I have only 1-2 running and 10 stopped , speed buildup is very sloW
  20. How much less ? under what conditions ? I'm sure you maxed the speed with openoffice... ( I did) . And I don't feel much of a difference from 1.8.3...
  21. all UDP trackers give me "timeout" status
  22. check that you have enabled - "update to beta versions"
  23. Notes on Setup guide (IRC): [08:34] <_rafi_> adamK: 1. ramdom "data send/read error" messages 2. some test sites - do not work 3. speed measuremets - quite good ; 4. still - I like the setup to take the table line BELOW the measurement for the UL limit, and ABOVE it for the # of connection... ... all and all - seems stable enough to me . [08:37] <_rafi_> AdamK: also, as I allready mentioned, I would start with "enabled" 'Save & close' button [08:49] <_rafi_> AdamK: http://img29.imageshack.us/i/68252924.png/
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