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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. seato's post list I see no troubleshooting here seato. All I see is you complaining. I use uTorrent 1.7.5 for hours to days at a time (it gets breaks because I move this computer to a friend's place for the weekend) and I don't get problems.
  2. I don't see your attempts to troubleshoot your issue here seato. Did you forget to even try?
  3. The next version will be out when it's ready
  4. oppaker, start a new thread in troubleshooting and follow http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=29748
  5. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992 to both of you
  6. Software firewalls are stupid. They don't recognize different versions as the same program.
  7. How sure are you that it's not your system that needs the fix sundar?
  8. Did you enable the limiting of local peers in the preferences?
  9. itachi, http://utorrent.com/guides.php and http://utorrent.com/faq.php
  10. yes, like we said in the other 20 threads that asked about it
  11. You don't have 100% of all pieces, you aren't a seed. period
  12. Update your software firewall rules for the current version maybe?
  13. Everyone with problems with 1.7.3, try upgrading to 1.7.4 please.
  14. What about the folder with utorrent's exe?
  15. HijackThis (save the log, it's a text file, open in notepad, copy and paste into your post) Process Explorer (file - save, also a text file)
  16. use some webspace like rapidshare to upload and link (try to make sure the file has an identifiable name for you by compressing it or such)
  17. We REQUIRE the following: 1> Hijackthis log 2> Process explorer process list 3> Crashdump. Failure to include these will get your post deleted.
  18. chip, google "how to report bugs effectively" and hit "I'm feeling lucky" We can't troubleshoot anything with that little amount of information.
  19. 3> The tracker administrators who are still banning uT are thinking out of their ass. If they won't give real proof of a problem, they don't deserve your traffic.
  20. Your second link grants access to 1.7.2 Obviously they don't see any problem (because there is none)
  21. If they say that it reports back, have them prove it. http://torrenthelp.depthstrike.com/2007/07/utorrent-171-and-all-claims-about.html
  22. There is no ruffian version. Prove that there is and we might believe you
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