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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. You have not provided the information the thread requests of you. If the problem were in uTorrent, 100% of people would be having problems. Router incompatibility gets solved (about 80% of the time) by actually following the guide in the thread I linked.
  2. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992
  3. And what internet security software do you have?
  4. Upgrading will not cause you to lose any existing downloads. The development team has been careful about that.
  5. A code audit discovered problems in the handling of messages transmitted using the extended messaging protocol. Do you know WHY we want to see 1.6.1 die out? Because we're sick and tired of people reporting bugs that have been fixed already.
  6. The original bug that was fixed in 1.7.6 was not present in 1.6.1. The bug that 1.7.7 fixes IS present in 1.6.1 and will NOT be fixed in a new 1.6.x build.
  7. What software firewall? No one ever mentions what software firewall. It's annoying to not know what software firewall is going stupid.
  8. kazymoto, that doesn't answer my question.
  9. What firewall? What error message for tracker status?
  10. Black_KeyT: http://utorrent.com/faq.php#.C2.B5Torrent_won.27t_open_torrent_files_even_though_I_associated_torrents_with_it
  11. Ok, fine. Feel free to live with your head in the sand though.
  12. Ok then what reason is that? If it's ANYTHING to do with MPAA involvement, I doubt you can back it up with proof.
  13. There may be other exploits that haven't been found yet that got fixed by accident. Additionally, the anti-p2p "bad block" ranges get blocked better by newer versions than they do by older ones. There are other bugs in 1.6.x that ARE fixed in 1.7.x and up as well. There's no reason whatsoever to stick with 1.6.x unless you have more tinfoil than brain right now.
  14. The crash will outright crash the client, not freeze it. Post a new thread in the troubleshooting section with a hijackthis log and process explorer injected dll list for the uTorrent process.
  15. There ARE exploits out there that 1.6.x is vulnerable to that are reportedly far more severe (remote code execution) than the one that is specifically fixed by 1.7.6 but this remote crash issue APPEARS to not be present.
  16. It probably wasn't intentional, I'll need to check with the person who maintains the post. You need to keep in mind that there has been far more baseless accusations coming from the FUD factory that got 1.7.x banned from trackers.
  17. So? It's misinformation that caused many trackers to ban 1.7.x.
  18. It doesn't matter if you're running both at the same time or not. If you have a port forwarded manually, it can ONLY forward to one machine at a time, regardless. Use different ports on different machines. The knee-jerk reaction of rolling back is not a solution to problems.
  19. Why are you reposting those packages when they are hosted on real servers? If you're referring to IE6 not supporting normal HTML, you're right. Otherwise, you're wrong.
  20. You are now no longer supported Lucifer, and by not letting him work on your issue, you aren't helping us solve it.
  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Software firewalls are stupid. They think different versions of the same program are different programs. Remove and re-create any and all rules for uTorrent in your internet security applications.
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