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My computer crashed last night and weirdly my utorrent settings have now all reset to default, is there a way to restore these? I had a very specific setup for seeding rates and download locations which are now all messed up - i don't know why they reset as-is but hoping there is a way to restore my old settings.

thanks for any tips.

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On 3/9/2021 at 8:35 PM, PiusX said:

Nothing can be done here. If you didn't backup the app/data file for utorrent and it reset for computer restore from last working image anything created since that time is gone.

Thank you for the reply, shame to hear this but after some huge amount of effort i was able to get back to my old settings (manually trying to get them) which took some time as i have multiple settings in place.

Anyways that's water under the bridge i guess, can i confirm how to backup my settings themselves (the configuration i have in place), whilst i am not used to having a computer crash on me, i would like to make up a backup file just in case to save me some time.

(I think the reason uTorrent recent was due to it seems it was transferring files (my completed files move to a separate HDD) when the HDD crashed, which makes some sense, the drive is pretty old and i have since ordered a replacement, seems because uTorrent moves the files it maybe got caught up or something?).

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No one here would know the reason for the crash since no one was there when it happened. I moved torrent files from drive to drive and nothing happens. And if your doing using too many apps during this transfer or move that is also a problem as this will be user caused issue not something utorrent caused as well.

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