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Visual feedback while updating the application...


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I recently discovered µTorrent and it's a great app!

But, in the last two days, there's been two updates and it gave me the chance to see the lack of any visual feedback while downloading and executing the install...

As of now the process is this:

- µTorrent asks you if you wish to download a new version. (you say yes, of course !)

- The dialog disappear and you see nothing. (you might tell yourself that it was just an false alarm)

- Then, after a moment, BANG! The application closes and it starts the new version rapidly with no problems whatsoever! (THAT is nice!)

I'd like the UI to provide more feedback of the downloading and installing process... Something along the lines of this:

- µTorrent asks you if you wish to download a new version. (you say yes, of course !)

- The dialog disappear and you see a progress bar rapidly rising (this bar could show the download process and then another bar would show the update process OR there could be only one bar, summing up the WHOLE update process, including the download)

- Just before closing and restarting the application, you get a dialog box telling you that the app will restart now and that you won't lose anything. (The usual re-assuring cr*p we get whenever we update something)

- Then, BANG! The application closes and it starts the new version rapidly with no problems whatsoever! (THAT is still nice!)

I know it's a minor flaw, but it'd be a nice touch to make the app feel more "complete"...

Anyway, thanks for reading!


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That's really overkill for such a small program... even for a 56ker it wouldn't take long, and for broadband it's virtually instant. And since it's on startup, there's no point in displaying stuff like "the program will restart now." There isn't really much of an update process either, it just downloads the exe, and replaces the old one with it. Kind of silly for an update that takes seconds...

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Ok, so I get it: you don't care about that dialog!

But nonetheless, the update process wasn't THAT fast as to be completely transparent... I mean I, for one, asked myself what happened between the moment where I dismissed the "will download update when you press OK" dialog and the moment the app restarted (it's at least a good 5-10 seconds).

That might not seem much, but it's enough time for me to, let's say, open the preferences dialog. If I open that dialog and THEN the application closes (because the update is done), I might get a little lost or something when the app restarts and the dialog does NOT pop open (ok, it all sounds newbie, but think of the poor 13 year olds that will use µTorrent :D). Seriously, I think a progress bar would be a clear and safe thing to add...

So whatever, I gave my two cents :-)!



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