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hi all new at this so here goes. i have been downloading things fine for about 4 weeks. then today ive was downloading something and its got to half way and just stopped dead its now just seeding the file and not downloading. it says it has no seeds yet theres a fair few peers. anyone any idea. thanks.

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If by stopped you mean still "downloading" status but no longer downloading you are probably bottlenecked on the torrent. Checking the General tab are you at the same availability as on the total availability (bottom bar)? If there are no seeds the torrent cannot be completed. If however the seed is masking as a peer you may slowly see the rest of the peers slowly increase % as more pieces are distributed.

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the availability looks the same on top as on bottom apart from the bar on bottom has a red back ground and one on top has white if that means anything. the peers are all stuck at 52% like me. should i just get rid of this torrent do u think. thank you.

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If the availability is 0.52 and everyone's stuck at 52%, then either you pray for a seed to show up, or get rid of the torrent. If it's something I really want, I tend to just stop it and restart it off and on and keep my fingers crossed (have managed to finish a few torrents this way even months later, and when they did, 'twas time to party! :))

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If it's something stopped dead, I tend to set it to LOW priority, and set its individual upload slots to 1 and upload speed to 1 KiloBYTE/sec...then leave it running. Usually by then my ratio's something ridiculous, like 5+:1 download:upload...and since it's dead, I can't technically "leech" it till another seed shows up. :(

I might also increase total active torrents and active downloading torrents by 1 to make up for this dead torrent.

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What settings do you advise using for stalled (stuck at some set percent) but ironically popular torrents then? New people show up regularly, so without some sort of limiting mechanism an inordinate amount of my upload speed on occasion gets spent on torrents that likely won't ever finish.

I am currently seeding a couple torrents that might become unseeded were I to leave. They could degenerate into the same fast-then-stop stuck torrents without me.

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Right, 5 or under GLOBAL in 1.7 shows limited, and in 1.8 THAT AND limiting any torrent set to 3 or under will trigger the limited. Mainly I was verifying the multipliers. It's not like this should be included in the manual, since it's not something the general public would need to be aware of. Only people intent on stiffing the swarm(s) they take part in would care.

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Good to hear!

I thought that would limit ALL my downloading torrents to 12 KiloBYTES/sec total.

There's times where I wouldn't mind getting 1 KiloBYTE/sec on a 'dead' torrent...even if it meant trading 10-to-1 to get it.

No, it is per torrent.

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