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Seeding tasks have higher priority than downloading tasks...


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I've noticed this once i was browsing through uTorrent options. And i was wondering about i checkbox, called "Seeding tasks have higher priority than downloading tasks (WHEN ALL DOWNLOADS ARE COMPLETED)".

Since loads of people are using ratio-based torrent trackers, this feature would be great. When i am starting a new download, i need to, of course, download it quick, without having more upload speed and without extra uploading-slots and all that helping-to-seed-stuff.

BUT, when all my downloads are completed, i want to give a kick to my uploading speed.

So, would this do any good to uTorrent? :)

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that would be a great option to put in the scheduler aswell, set the value to ON or OFF according to time/date.

Like for example my ISP is screwing with my speeds during the evenings, but they ramp up the speed starting at 2am until around 3pm (used to be 24h top speed believe it or not for unlimited dl/ul accounts !)

with this option i could give priority to my seeds and full upload speeds up until 2am, then 80% of my upload so hopefully µt would download quick like crazy until they clamp down again (around 3pm the next day) and set it back to prio shares full ul, until 2am etc. You see a pattern here i'm sure

the best thing would be to figure out how they slow me down and by pass it, but i figure this is the best use of my up/dl time for this slap in the face to their customers but otherwise if i set it to prio shares all the time its no fair to me as my own dl's wont download. and if i don't set it OFF then its not fair to others (and my ratios, ;) )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seed Only means you will not download correct. If you wish to still download there is an option under Ctrl-P -> Queueing which says just as much... prioritize seeding tasks over downloads. If you don't want uT to even TRY to maximize your connection during shaped times you are better off setting up the limit speeds and times under the Scheduler.

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From what I understand, seed-only will continue downloading the last parts of any piece you've started on...but no more. With pieces possibly 4 MB in size, that still represents a LOT of downloading if you have lots of started but unfinished pieces. So predicting how it will work...is beyond me. :(

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