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Hi Folks,

I've been using utorrent for a long time and find it the best p2p software out there.

I recently got a new PC with the dreaded vista package (hate vista) and cant use Peer Guardian 2 as it's not vista compatible.

My Q is the in-built IPfilter in v1.7.5 - is there anything I need to do to ensure I am protected as best as possible while downloading. In preferences - advanced - IPfilter is set to true.

Does it self update?

Do I need to download or install anything?

Thanks for your help and thanks for utorrent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there,

I read the "what is ipfilter.dat" in http://www.utorrent.com/faq.php#What_is_ipfilter.dat.3F,

but I am not sure whether it works properly or not :

I have version 1.7.6 of utorrent (fr)

I finally found what means a right click in the peers tab

to discover the "Reload IPFilter" option.

In the "advanced setting", I found also that the ipfilter.enable is already true.

The problem is that I never put any ipfilter.dat anywhere.

In addition, it seems that in my pc, %AppData%\uTorrent

refers to a directory (C:\Documents) that doesn't exist.

I found nipfilter.dat.gz and can unzip it, but where should this file be copied,

and how utorrent can know where it is.


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