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Noisy disk writing


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My only reason 'couse i prefer BitComet (but BitComet is a bullshit against utorrent):

at high download rates (greater than 1-2 MB) the writing to disk is really noisy (=peep, clack, etc), but in BitComet this problem don't come up (so it isn't caused by the hardware).

I hope you have something for the solution of the problem.

Anyway, i think the utorrent is the best torrent client!!!

Thank you, forward!

ps: i'm sorry, my english is not the best.

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if you dont like bitcomet anyway why remedy tha problem with a client that most trackers dont like anyways.

as you say utorrent does all that is necessary and aint making ya case rattle so uninstall bc, use utorrents and sleep well!!

i had bicomet a few releases back and it screwed me over big time, huge memory bleeds and whatnot

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i don't use bitcomet, only for sites that allow it, and where i can download with a great speed (sometime 7-8 Mb/s). The reason is: at these speed the utorrent is noisy, and this is a problem for me ('cause i have a notebook). I'm looking for the solution of the noisy problem in utorrent, 'cause this is a great client, and i want to use it for all speed.

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No, you are wrong, I'm right. :| A piece of software can not make noise by itself (it's just a bunch of 01010's etc.), it has to control a hardware device to make noise and that hardware device - your hard disk - is making noise. My hard disk is inaudible...even with µTorrent downloading and uploading at full speed, but that's because my drive employs FBM. :)

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Partial, you have right, but how can you explain, when i'm downloading with BitComet at 8MB/s there isn't any noise, with uTorrent above 1-2 MB/s there is!

hm? Can you explain this? it's caused by a software. it won't be a problem with better caching, buffering, etc. . I think.


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That's probably because µTorrent's cache (or whatever you want to call it) is not as efficient as BitVomit - that's what I think. But I'm sure it's your hardware that causes noise. A software only controls the hardware, it cannot emit sound by itself. :/

Anyway, did you already set your read cache in Build 405? If so, what value did you put it at? You may need to set it to a fairly high value if you're downloading at 8MB/s... :|

Edit: typo.

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Well I suggested that (the diskio.write_queue_size) to all the people who complained about their hard disk noise, but apparently they're convinced the noise happens because µTorrent lacked a read cache. Now that it's implemented people still complain, so I don't know what to say anymore. Sounds like almost everyone here has noisy Maxtor drives... :/

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It's common knowledge that Maxtor are usually the noisiest of all drives - I didn't want to come off as "ragging" on them. :/ I have a Western Disaster in my current PC, and it's not noisy...but my 6.4 GB (IIRC) Maxtor back then certainly was. Now people all over are saying that Seagate is the one of the quietest. When seeking it makes an almost inaudible, very high-pitched noise (but not irritating). Maxtor on the other hand makes a low "rumbling" noise when seeking, definitely audible. Western Disaster is somewhere in between (all observations are IMHO, feel free to disagree).

In any case, whatever hard disk you decide to buy, make sure it has FBM...it really makes a difference. :)

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It's common knowledge that Maxtor are usually the noisiest of all drives - I didn't want to come off as "ragging" on them. :/ I have a Western Disaster in my current PC, and it's not noisy...but my 6.4 GB (IIRC) Maxtor back then certainly was. Now people all over are saying that Seagate is the one of the quietest. When seeking it makes an almost inaudible, very high-pitched noise (but not irritating). Maxtor on the other hand makes a low "rumbling" noise when seeking, definitely audible. Western Disaster is somewhere in between (all observations are IMHO, feel free to disagree).

In any case, whatever hard disk you decide to buy, make sure it has FBM...it really makes a difference. :)

6.4 gig? that must be a drive from like, 98 or something.. :D they were all pretty noisy back then and maxtor were definitely the worst offenders. They suck a lot of current too, and get hotter than others. Worst for it seem to be the slimline maxtors, half height drives..

I have some experience of modern drives, having recently purchased IBM, Maxtor, Western Digital and Seagate 7200 rpm drives of 250Gb or more:

IBM - i'd say the motor makes more noise than the heads.. quiet chattering, though the noise the last one made was really quite sinister.. a shuuuuck shuuuck shuuuck that indicated it was knackered

Maxtor - 4x 250gb ones in my raid array. it's a noisy spinup but quiet at speed. the heads chatter a little, but its a mid-pitched sound and not very loud, especially since there are 4 working in tandem

Seagate - A mate has a 300Gig one in his external usb enclosure and he hates it. spin noise is good, quiet, but it frequently makes a buzzing while it does some sort of thermal recalibration and it's enough to wake him up. he has another 4 drives in a raid array, same make and model, and the head noise is considerable, almost like a thumping, and the raid controller dumps blocks of data on all at once.. When it records MPEG movies, they make a loud BLUMP, BLUMP and he's been to considerable effort to quieten the PC. He now looks at my maxtor drives (after ribbing them at first) and wishes he'd bought them

WD - as part of my toshiba 320gig external usb drive, it whines a little, like a quiet cooling fan when in use, and i cant really hear any head noise. the enclosure is fanless, so is just the drive whine..

of all, i'd rate them like this:

maxtor - 1 motor, 2 heads

ibm - 2 motor, 2 heads

seagate - 1 motor, 3 heads

wd - 3 motor, 1 heads

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