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New Website Design Feedback Thread


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The skins page has had a lot of work done to make moderation possible again... so there should be a lot less bogus skins.

It's possible to sort by newest and oldest now. It will remember your sort order and limit when switching tabs (it didn't before).

Editing of skins and re-uploading the image actually works now. It wasn't working before.

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Some strange bug: i couldn't log in now, until I cleared cookies for this site.

When I entered password it wrote to me "Auth successful" and redirected to previous page, but I didn't log in, caption said "Not logged in".

Perhaps this is connected to upgrade to FF 3.0.11.

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Hello All,

I have posted on this thread earlier regarding the internal port-checker of µtorrent failing to giving the green light because i was enabling the connection through the nation-wide proxy since the Migration to the new Website Design.

Given the port checker used to work fine although i was behind the transparent proxy before the change to the new Site Design i tried my best and postponded this issue; Now a week ago i was trying the port-checker ( i try it every few days for consistency) it suddenly worked, i waited for a while and kept checking at different timings and of course, intervals with Success :) .

So I wanna thank you all ,

One slight question, Did u change or fix anything from your side from the past month or so ? , Since i didn't touch anything on my system for the internal µtorrent's port-checker to work from a week now .

Best Regards people,

Good bye for now .

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hiiii!!! i'm a new user of bitTorrent..i'm in a web- site building profession...as web- developer....i've download a trial version of bitTorrent version pack from website.how will i improve my work of web developing by using this pack?

i have relatively low system speed with my current firewall as well....

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new website design generally becomes successful by viewing the feedbacks posted to there forums, articles, blogs etc. When a new website gets launched, they have to check there feedbacks so that it would ultimately help them to undergo changes. The site of u-torrent has been beautifully designed which has got a pleasant look as the colours used in it are light enough

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