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Can only use "Force Start" to download new torrents


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I have a strange problem, where new downloaded torrents get "qued", so that they won't download. Instead other finnished torrents keeps seeding. Normaly a torrent that is seeding will be qued and the new added torrent will start to download.

I have set the maximum number of torrents and maximum downloads both to five so that shouldn't pose a problem. And it has worked before.

The only thing I have done recently , is that I installed the webui, but that is disabled right now.

I'm using a vpn-service, but that shouldn't affect this.

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I know how it should work, it just doesn't do that now.

And the way it worked before this happened was that always when setting "force start" to a torrent that isn't included in the x or y value. That is why I set it like that sometimes so that one torrent is guaranteed to be seeded when finnished, a pity utorrent has the same functionality as vuze in this respect where you can priorotise WHICH torrents get seeded after finnishing)

The problem now is that I have to use "force start" on all the torrents I download, otherwise they won't start!

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You probably haven't reached the seeding goals on those seeding torrents.

Since the default seeding goal is only 150%, that shouldn't be too hard.

There are settings to make uTorrent a better download lots/upload little leecher if you care to change that behavior...

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I feel ashamed to find out a really basic reason for why my utorrent behaved like this:

I took a look at my que settings again and saw that I had checked "Seeding tasks have higher priority than downloading tasks". I did that a while ago and had forgotten to uncheck it.

I really feel like a fool now and I am sorry to have wasted your time.

Thank You anyway. Your request to send you the que settings made me take a look at it again!

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