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Posts posted by ciaobaby

  1. That's bullshit. Disk I/O is the same for every user.

    Logon with a normal user account and try deleting something in the Users folder, try changing permissions in the root of the %systemdrive%

    Try making an application save a file in the root of the %systemdrive% you will soon find out that YOU are WRONG!!!!

    The 'mechanics' of disc I/O may be the same for all users, but the permissions and allowable scope of actions CERTAINLY is NOT!

  2. Oh, why? Do Admins get better disk access or what?

    [Edited to add]

    By the way;

    It is not "Admins" as in the Administrator group members, but THE Administrator account. But if you know your way around Windows you can 'elevate' your user account priviliges by editing the local security policies.

  3. Obviously Utorrent is being taken over by a bunch of scammers and a holes doing who knows what with user info and you are not looking out for the people who use utorrent, but some slimy third party advertisers/ malware, spyware, or who knows what!.

    Congratulations, Utorrent now sucks. Good riddance.. bunch of liars.

    "Light. Limitless. Elegant, efficient torrent downloading"

    Whatever! LIARS! .

    And there it goes, another buffoon with the attention span of a goldfish, blaming somebody else for their failure to read instructions during installation.

    It's CALLED DUE DILIGENCE and is where YOU take responsibility for what you ALLOW to happen.

  4. i was downloading from a week...........now its 80% downloaded.

    suddenly one when i closed the torrent once and started again its now showing error then downloading bar is showing from 10% again. rest all the things remained same....................

    please sort it out......its being 14gb which i downloaded..............please give me reply please..............................................................................................................

    You caused the problem by not allowing uTorrent to close cleanly before powering down. As a result the download is corrupted and HAS to be restarted.

  5. "connecting to peers" isn't the same stuck.

    It is when it never connects. The same 5 torrents in qbittorrrent had no trouble finding 800+ seeds for each of those 5 torrents (eztv). 24 hours later' date=' utorrent was still stuck on "connecting to peers".[/quote']

    And have you taken any of the advice offered in the previous five or six posts??

  6. Hello,

    And what is with:


    there µTorrent also adds an "*" to the URL to:


    That's because it is DEAD, DECEASED, it is no more, It has ceased to be. It has shuffled off this mortal coyle and gone to meet the choir invisbule. THIS is an ex-tracker!

    Open the detailed info tab and READ THE DAMNED STATUS of the tracker and then REMOVE IT.

  7. Lie. It's black !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's AVAILABLE.
    Really? I guess I must have missed reading where you gave a FULL and COMPLETE explanation of your "problem".

    So lets go a bit further then, what is your scheduler set to do at these times you are talking about. Does the job stop or is in in "limited"

    Screen shot of scheduler required.

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