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Everything posted by 1c3d0g

  1. Yup, I've told Ludde about it as I was experiencing the same boost in peer connectability, and he said he didn't really do anything. Whatever the case, I hope this behaviour stays in µTorrent from now on.
  2. Also, try Build 404. It has some new tricks up its sleeve.
  3. Sounds like your Zip program isn't doing its job very well... :/ http://www.7-zip.org/
  4. Your friend may be able to download better due to BitComet's Protocol Header Encryption. :/ If you don't want to put up with slow speeds and can't change ISP's, then I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you. Once you get Network OK, all is set. Since you already have that, the only advice I can give you is to try a port like 80, 21, 110 or 25 and see if your ISP leaves one of those ports alone. :|
  5. Stop asking for the stupid shutdown feature because if there's the one thing that I truly HATE the most, it would be that pathetic, stinking little feature. Stop asking for it, it's not going to be implemented! :mad:
  6. ● kB/s = Kilobytes per second ● kb/s = Kilobits per second ● KiB/s = Kibibytes per second
  7. Wow, that's way too low! You should've gotten at least half of your maximum download speed, but usually people max out their download speed completely with that torrent. :/ The tracker status is OK, don't worry about it. So like I said before, something's wrong. I think your ISP may be shaping BitTorrent traffic 'cause your speeds aren't normal. In this case there's nothing more I can do to help you. If you can find out what ports your ISP uses for VoIP/NetMeeting/Xbox Live etc. you may forward one of those ports and hopefully nothing will mess with your downloads. I hate to say it, but if all else fails, you may have to forward port 80, 21, 110 or 25 and see if it makes any difference. Only do this as a last resort though, as other people find it quite annoying when people use e-mail ports etc. for BitTorrent traffic. Alternatively, if it's an option, you could switch ISP's to one that doesn't screw your BitTorrent traffic. :/
  8. So far it looks like your ISP is interfering with your BitTorrent traffic...things are not looking too good. :/ Did you try the OpenOffice torrent? Tell us if you get good speeds or not with it. :|
  9. Or 640/128, like I have. I just can't understand why can't they put 512/256 instead, it's virtually the same (640 - 128 = 512. 128 + 128 = 256, in other words you take 128 off my download, and add 128 on my upload) and for BitTorrent this makes a world of difference. It's a win-win situation IMHO. :|
  10. 1.) Link fixed. Thanks for the heads up. 2.) If it says PE on your invoice, then your motherboard is probably an 865PE. So just go to the last link and follow its instructions. 3.) It's not as difficult as it seems.
  11. No problem dude. I'm happy you're happy! If I can at least help a few people get better speeds, then the mini-guide has accomplished its job. And that is a good thing.
  12. Hmm...maybe Ludde made peer.lazy_bitfield even lazier? Either way it's good to hear you're not having any problems anymore.
  13. Dekaritae: nice work, I love it! Your soft border version is 10x better than the current icon, which looks very rough on the edges... Now if only we could convince Ludde to include it in the next version...
  14. Yeah Primus, Build 390 to 392 were messed up pretty badly. Should be fixed in Build 393 for good.
  15. Because Ludde didn't have the time to do it yet.
  16. Exactly! Right on, Ultima. Experiment with different values and see what works best for you.
  17. Ludde is a cybernetic organism. He will never eat, he will never sleep, he will never stop...
  18. I guess there's only so much he can do within a ~2 hour timeframe... :/ Edit: within 2 hour and 12 minutes...
  19. Well...as long as you're downloading fine with it. But once (hopefully not) you start having problems, that's the first thing I'd check.
  20. Agreed. I was about to post this. :/
  21. nexu: did you click on the icon in the About window?
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