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Everything posted by schnurlos

  1. @eng: As we have the .su flag readded, why not also the .yu (which still seems to exist as domain)? @eng/mctraxx: .cx is already included. But you're right, the flag which we have is the wrong one for .cx So eng should update his flags.bmp (you can find an updated one here), I did it at my flags.test.bmp already.
  2. @Ringman: The EU flag is already in the flags.conf and flags.bmp, just after the ET {ethiopia} and before the FI {finland} flag:
  3. Update of US only: http://www.should.keepfree.de/flags_by_eng.zip (based on eng's list from 2010-12-05) How to use / Description: http://www.should.keepfree.de/Readme_FLAGS.html
  4. Ich werde mir deine Anregung ansehen, vorerst aber: Edit 2011-01-26: Ist umgesetzt
  5. Für die neueste stabile Windows-Version 2.2 "Griffin" µTorrent 2.2 (Build 24683) gibt es: die deutsche Sprachdatei / den Changelog / das Languagepack / die Hilfedatei (engl.) Englischer Thread dazu: Hier
  6. Update of US only: http://www.should.keepfree.de/flags_by_eng.zip (based on eng's list from 2010-11-06) How to use / Description: http://www.should.keepfree.de/Readme_FLAGS.html
  7. This you can in each version, alpha, beta stables: CTRL+P -> Advanced -> UI Extras -> Search Engines [Format: name|URL]
  8. @Domokun: confirmed. The downloaded languagepack (during install) is 22328, but the correct one should be 21431 (as just tested). Here is my backup copy of it to test: http://www.should.keepfree.de/utorrent.lng_21431.zip (which is version 2066406 in real). So everything is correct on your side and on µTS, just somebody Firon broke it EDIT: My last tests show that this should be solved now.
  9. alfaks.com|PL ********************** datatruck.com|US Btw, I checked ubercam's comment and repaired the faulty lines in my version with the US flags. @eng: "95-4.citynet-aytos.net|BG" should read as "citynet-aytos.net|BG"
  10. Update of US only: http://www.should.keepfree.de/flags_by_eng.zip (based on eng's list from 2010-10-28) How to use / Description: http://www.should.keepfree.de/Readme_FLAGS.html
  11. Firon made me to an admin for µTS, so I'm not on the list (as Firon, alus). ******************************************************** Für die neueste stabile Windows-Version µTorrent 2.0.4 (Build 22450) gibt es: die deutsche Sprachdatei / den Changelog / das Languagepack / die Hilfedatei (engl.) Englischer Thread dazu: Hier
  12. @CraZyNoMaD: http://www.should.keepfree.de/pic/turkish.png --> because below 80% out of the language pack. thread: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=11517 + http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=2550
  13. What I see too is that nearly all of your torrents are well distributed and have more seeds than peers (f.e. 504:1 on the 1.09GB torrent) ...
  14. Why don't you click on "Download" on the top left corner?
  15. Hatte ich auch schon bemerkt. Wenn das Fenster aber ganz schmal gemacht wird, dann wirds eng. Hab' es aber schon geändert Dabei habe ich auch gleich den Text "Diesen Dialog nicht wieder zeigen" (erst ab 2.2) geändert/gekürzt auf "... nicht zeigen" (wie in 3.0).
  16. autohitbg.com|BG nscable.net|CS progi.com|CA ********************* cinergycom.com|US cinergycom.net|US syscal.com|US unisonmicro.com|US
  17. @Firon: 1) Yes it is. I didn't find out which already existing ID is used double there, because no new text for it was added in µTS. EDIT: it's the standard ID "ID: CANCEL" which is used there. So the text is not the problem, the size of the textbox is. 2) OK 3) So hard to manage?
  18. @mctraxx: seems to be in Germany, while registrant is in US ( http://www.who.is/whois/silksky.com ) silksky.com|DE
  19. @Firon: *) The textbox for "Cancel" while downloading an App is still to small (for translators). *) In the last 2.2 builds the text shown at RSS indicates the http address too (this was removed and is back now in 2.2 while 3.0 is ok, f.e. "open office|http:// ...") *) Files tab, on some torrents (singlefile + multifile) the indication "mode" shows write ... on 100% finished downloads while seeding! This should be blank on seeding torrents. As already reported here, this issue came up with the very first 2.1 builds, than 3.0 and now in 2.2 too.
  20. Example: torrent is running (started) and you pause it - so the status changes (see also the new text on µTS which explains it a bit better in the last 2.2 build 22117 "You can use these commands:\r\n%F - Name of downloaded file (for single file torrents)\r\n%D - Directory where files are saved\r\n%N - Title of torrent\r\n%S - State of torrent\r\n%L - Label\r\n%T - Tracker\r\n%M - Status message string (same as status column)\r\n%I - hex encoded info-hash\r\n\r\nstatus is a combination of: started =1, checking = 2, start-after-check = 4,\r\nchecked = 8, error = 16, paused = 32, auto = 64, loaded = 128")
  21. tiembla.com|ES usinsk.net|RU ************************** hwccustomers.com|US jaxcon.net|US
  22. Bug also here ... http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=522378#p522378
  23. If you want some users to denny the settings, try http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=46830
  24. Bug (in 2.2 build 22007 as well as in 3.0 build 22005, checked on XP SP3 and Win7 64): Looking on the "Files" tab, having "Mode" enabled - on seeding torrents the mode is shown "write". On multifile torrents some skipped files show "write" there too, also some as "read" which should be just blank. Also some files on non skipped multifile torrents show as read, some as write, on stopped torrents too. This bug is not in the 2.0.4's, has not been on 2.2's up to build 20532, but is already in 2.2 build 20663. 3.0 build 20228 has the bug already, 2.1 build 18959 too (sorry, no older 2.1 versions on this laptop here). It seems that this bug was introduced early in the 2.1's (which are 3.0 now) and with build 20663 was introduced in 2.2. EDIT: checked now down to 2.1 build 16457 which has the bug already ... EDIT2: 3.0 build 22021 has still the bug
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