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Forced download icon


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Making a wrap:

This feature request discussion show this points:

- the skin developers will have much more work, especially Determination

- 2 new feature has been requested, move the [F] to the front and deprecate the status column

- people likes the icon idea (of course there are people that don't like it)

What can be a problem if is discussed further:

- bloatware, some say yes, some say no, classical, never ending discussion

- to much work to designer, ok, this point is clear, they will have too much work and no one is happy about it :(

- some needs this feature, some not



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It's useful to me.

Which is why if the change goes through, the status column shouldn't be hard pulled out of the application. Getting rid of it should still be an option. I always leave mine off, but then have no forced seeding indication. (Checking isn't so bad, as we get a waiting icon and it takes a pretty big torrent to be checking for very long.)

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Heh I understood you, but I was just responding to the "since it's barely useful at the moment" part ;P

Right. I probably should have put a barely useful to me, as icons ave almsot all it's information. At least this forum is mostly civil, there are places where that comment would have been followed by an 80 page flame war. (Like pretty much any open source project forum.)

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Making a wrap:

This feature request discussion show this points:

- the skin developers will have much more work, especially Determination


- to much work to designer, ok, this point is clear, they will have too much work and no one is happy about it :(


This could be avoided by making uTorrent check the width of the tstatus.bmp, if it's 160 use it the way it is now, and if it's 192 it has the icons for forced dl/ul too. That way it would still be compatible with all the skins available now, and those who want can add icons for forced ul/dl, but it's not necessary to update all the currently available skins.


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While that's an obvious stopgap solution, I'm pretty sure any of the designers who care about their skins would still feel responsible for making the set look as good as possible. With a default icon as you're suggesting (one would have to be integrated into the exe anyhow), it might not match the rest of the skin, and the "obligated" feeling steps in, meaning they have to work on it either way =T

Besides that, the better temporary solution would probably be to use the regular download/upload icons and overlay some kind of image on them automatically, IMO (can it be done?). But again, it suffers from the same thing I just pointed out above anyhow (the skinner might want a unique look for the forced icons), but at least it'll match better with the rest of the skin for the time being.

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So basically, the people who are against the new icons, say that it would be a lot of work for icon set authors, and it's really not that useful and moving the F in front of the status column would be a better choice.

And those who like the idea of new icons support it mostly because right now most of the info that status column is displaying is duplicate info which can be read from most of the icons already, and adding couple more icons would allow them to completely get rid of the status column.

The thing is that because the icons are always there, it would be very useful to have icons for all the statuses in either case. It would make the program more complete, so to speak. That's how I see it anyway.

The biggest reason why I support this is because right now I can't fit everything in my screen. Shortening any of the columns means that ugly ... in the end of the texts, and that's not nice at all. Another solution would be to have short alternate status texts, [F]D, [F]S etc. and have an option to hide the icons completely. Because either way you look at it, duplicate information is useless.

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No Herra, some people think that it would be more confusing to have more icons. Plain and simple.

I don't care about the icons as adding two icons to my personal file is like 2 minutes, but maybe constant changes would drive away people interested in building "icon sets". :P

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That's exactly what I was thinking. It's just like Mac OS X, where the APIs kept changing, and you had to have specific versions of OS X for a lot of programs to work. At least Apple finally declared their API stable (after Tiger? or will it stabilize after Leopard?).

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I think that utorrent can use an "old" skin, and if that skin does not have the "Forced Download Icon", ut can use the default stock icon for "Forced Download".

This way, skin designers can take time to edit all skins, meanwhile their old skins will still work with ut.





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What I meant was that if it was an old skin file (160 width) it would use the normal dl/ul icons from the skin for forced ul/dl too, so it would look as it does now... but if the skin file has a width of 192 it would use the forced dl/ul icons from the skin.

This way all the old skins will look exactly as they do now. The only problem with this solution is that the old skins won't display any specific icon for forced dl/ul, but then you can use the default skin until some of the old skins are updated.

Maybe an option could be available for some time to choose if you want to use the default forced ul/dl (.exe builtin icons) when using an old skin of if you want to use the old skins normal dl/ul icons even for forced dl/ul (as it is now).

Though as Ultima said, there's no way to avoid if skinners will feel responsible to update their skins.

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