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Upload hog??


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I will be the first to admit that I am 'new' at torrenting files.

I do always seed and don't mind seeding.

What I don't understand and have a problem with is upload hogs??

I don't even know if there is a correct term for that.

Let me give you some background.

I have set Utorrent at a max and min upload and download, on the advice of the the newbie material I read and I believe someone from the forums here. I don't remember. The upload is set to 75% of the download.

I have set Utorrent to stop seeding at 1.25 ratio.

Yet Utorrent ignores these things.

Last time I downloaded a torrent, I left it running during the day to make sure it got the 1.25 seeding, instead of stopping at it .9 percent seeding.

Instead of it stopping, it kept going. I got home to find out that it was seeding at 4 (FOUR) times what I downloaded. I don't like that, to me that is bandwidth theft.

That is unless I set it to stop there.

I am downloading something now, it has only download half of the file - 5GB and yet it has uploaded 11GB. Not only that it is downloading at 13-42 kb/s (it varies) and uploading at a relative constant 52/kb/s.

Can some one please help me to understand what is going on.

Or at least give me some instruction on how the settings should be?

I thank all of those in advance.

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There's a difference between seeding, and uploading.

µTorrent will stop seeding (the time after 100% where you continue to upload) when it reaches that limit, but that limit, in this case ratio, can be exceeded before you complete your download (before you are actually seeding). For some of the more poorly seeded / leeched torrents this can be the case. µTorrent will not stop uploading and continue downloading till 100%. That's just not how the protocol works.

Your download will be many times your upload if it can and that's not the case for all torrents. This only becomes an issue if you are on a bandwidth-limited ISP plan, and the swarm is going to dictate your success not µTorrent.

You are providing better service to the other peers, than the other peers are providing to you. Welcome to P2P, enjoy your stay. :)

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BitTorrent is made to run torrents until you (manually!) stop them.

µTorrent will stop seeding when it reaches the share percent limit, *IF* you have told µTorrent to upload at 0 speed once the limit is reached.

Bad settings in µTorrent (for your setup) can result in very lopsided upload-to-download speeds...such as uploading at 52 KB/sec while downloading at less than 20 KB/sec average.

Btw, Bell Canada (Sympatico?) sucks for p2p file sharing.

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I do have it set the upload at 0 speed once the limit is reached.

"Bad settings in µTorrent (for your setup) can result in very lopsided upload-to-download speeds...such as uploading at 52 KB/sec while downloading at less than 20 KB/sec average."

How can I adjust these settings?

Thanks for all you help

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And this:


If your torrents are running past their seeding % limits after they finish downloading...

Did you FORCE start the torrents?

Are you using the global seeding goal or individual torrent seeding goals?

Do note that the seeding goal conditions must *ALL* be met before a seeding torrent will stop.

So if you told it to seed till 150% ratio and 48 hours, then the torrent will run AT LEAST 48 hours and seed to at least 150% ratio.

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