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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. If the values are encoded properly according to the bencode specification, the bug is in tbdev, and not in uTorrent.
  2. Even multi-segment FTP is still linear transfer. Torrents are basically never linear. That's the reason for the difference.
  3. Except that a lot of internet security software packages (MSE included) do per-VERSION rules as well as per-program.
  4. http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
  5. Prove it. Also, if you still have stardock installed, that may be the real cause of your mini-hangs.
  6. They could be caused by issues in other subsystems. And "going back to 2.2.1" will NOT solve the problems.
  7. Follow the settings tweaks from the page I linked.
  8. Where are your bandwidth and queueing settings?
  9. BZZZT WRONG! Read the thread again. ALL of it.
  10. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992
  11. You actually have some on the torrent. That's causing the ratio. In other words, non-bug.
  12. Way to hide the info tab with the important information there dzola
  13. 1> not really. 2> Not enough for people to notice with uT. 3> Nope Not a property of 32-bit vs 64-bit.
  14. You're getting somewhere between 90% and 99% of your line's rated speed.
  15. You're confusing *bit/sec (from speedtest.net etc) with *byte/sec (uTorrent's display)
  16. Except that the "known" and "often-reported" nature of the bug comes from windows vista/7 UPnP not playing nice or ZoneAlarm being stupid.
  17. JB, uninstall the forceware network access manager. It's a known problem child.
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