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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. Those are site-specific issues. Go pester them and not us.
  2. Translation issues have been addressed already.
  3. You turn on the apply rate limit to uTP or not?
  4. One-month ban for not heeding the warnings for rrrrrrG and ivan23092.
  5. If you're going to use non-english, use the non-english section of the forums. I shouldn't have to remind people of this.
  6. No, the private tracker administration just likes feeling big.
  7. There are settings to turn all of that off.
  8. When the translators catch up. Seriously. Stop asking about translations. We've answered that already.
  9. Peers tab only functions with a 3.x version right now.
  10. Did you time travel to get this? It doesn't exist yet.
  11. 1> No one gets that pop-up when downloading from feeds. That is the way feeds are supposed to be. AUTOMATED. 2&3> Those are probably rendering glitches that will likely be fixed up before 1.5 stable.
  12. Windows liked ignoring that setting for a while.
  13. And old versions (including all versions <= 1.8.5) are vulnerable to security holes that have been fixed. Nevermind the fact that we don't provide support for old versions anymore. Sites that require you to use old versions want you to get hacked and may in fact be the ones that want to hack you.
  14. Posting in russian in the announcement sections of the forums is forbidden.
  15. uTorrent 1.8.5 is no longer supported by us so it doesn't matter.
  16. shut down whatever other program you have installed that is listening on 6881 or change utserver's listening port.
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