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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. Except your internet security software is stupid.
  2. Are you going to read my post this time or are you going to ignore it and read my signature AGAIN?
  3. The problem is that you think there's a problem. If you look at the IP addresses associated with the message, you'll find that they're all of your computer.
  4. uTorrent (all versions) don't get file lists until they obtain the core of the .torrent The reason that magnets on other sites work fine is probably because more people have the core of the torrent.
  5. No. And downgrading won't get the problem solved anyway.
  6. Since you're going to CONTINUE to provide a uselessly low amount of information when you were linked a troubleshooting guide that requested a LOT of information from you, you are now temporarily banned.
  7. Not yet, but your issue requires more information than that. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992
  8. And you expect us to be mind readers and be able to identify your configuration and settings without you telling us?
  9. Sounds like either bad settings in the router or a just plain bad router then.
  10. And murder piece distribution AND overall swarm speed (and torrent lifespan). As well as murdering your own speed.
  11. Your issue is completely unrelated to the webui, and is entirely the fault of the proxy you're using.
  12. BZZT! Wrong. NONE of uTorrents settings are in the registry.
  13. Always did. Don't know what gave you the delusion that it didn't.
  14. Answered in the other place you cross-posted it.
  15. The difference is that admins not turning on the auto-update for the specific version means that the auto-update not reporting that version is intended and not broken. We've been over this before.
  16. No version of uTorrent for mac will work on osx 10.4.x
  17. What version of the webui does it say in the title bar of your browser then?
  18. You don't download from trackers.
  19. Did you uncheck all three boxes on the toolbar screen? If no, you failed.
  20. Use something that doesn't have a paywall between us and the screenshot
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