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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. Your screengrabs of task manager do NOT give useful information as to wether or not it's uTorrent actually using the ram or if instead it's the windows disk cache being stupid AGAIN.
  2. country code TLDs do not belong in the flags.conf.
  3. No, it sets the number of FULLY ESTABLISHED connections. If your firewall is mis-reporting connections that are not fully established (either opening or closing) then it's not uTorrent's fault, as uTorrent does not have control over the connection.
  4. Sergey: it's not actually your uTorrent generating the connections. It's just the program on the listen port to accept them. The connections are coming from other machines due to you having been on torrents somewhat recently.
  5. acmodeu: stop trying to run nearly-dead torrents in an attempt to claim a bug is happening.
  6. It has been the primary RAM sink for that particular issue for probably over a year now.
  7. Then it's most likely the windows disk cache being stupid AGAIN.
  8. Is it actually the utorrent.exe process using the ram?
  9. You've masked some information that determines if that is actually a bug or is just a problem with you having idle-but-active torrents.
  10. Do you have a "Move completed downloads to:" location set? Is it the same as your default download directory?
  11. Do your rss feeds actually link to torrent files?
  12. sometime after this edition gets a full stable build. No point in having a gui if the core is as stable as a house of cards in a factor 9 earthquake.
  13. And uTorrent 1.8.2 has not been supported by us for ages now.
  14. 23774 is the current build. You don't have to read the whole thread to find that out.
  15. Why don't you look at the main 3.0 thread ralegend?
  16. Bigger disk cache limit is about all the benefit you actually get.
  17. I answered the exact question you asked. Availability display in uTorrent doesn't count systems you aren't connected to. As a seed, you don't connect to seeds. Therefore, availability doesn't factor in other seeds while seeding. Paying attention to the answer costs as much as good manners.
  18. Death_Master: We've said it a dozen times already. If it's not the utorrent process eating the ram directly, it's the windows disk cache being stupid.
  19. It's not just a matter of compiling. Some of the core APIs used aren't available in 10.4.x and won't ever be. Those APIs aren't easily replaced either.
  20. Please see my post: It's you. Availability is calculated based on the number of complete copies of the torrent seen among connected peers, including yourself. In short, you aren't connected to them so they aren't factored in. While you're seeding, you will NEVER be connected to another seed. Period Fullstop.
  21. We don't support old versions. That includes finding them.
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