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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. Why are you trying to set a disk cache to "guaranteed to crash" levels in a 32-bit application?
  2. And post in the correct thread next time if you're going to complain about a specific version.
  3. 1> stay with the current version. 2> press "Esc" while clicked in the webui window.
  4. I don't. ALL of the pre-2.x versions are vulnerable to the exploit. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=29748 for how to provide the two logs, but NOD32 causes problems unless configured properly and peerblock offers no real protection for your system.
  5. A security hole the size of Texas. I don't know who is recommending it, but they should be ignored. Why are you keeping 10k torrents in your list in the first place? And where are your hijackthis log and process explorer process list?
  6. It's you. Availability is calculated based on the number of complete copies of the torrent seen among connected peers, including yourself.
  7. Then change it. Then it may be other settings.
  8. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=11601 Don't like the look? use the skin.
  9. Then take it up with the sites, not us.
  10. Cross-file pieces say no to your example.
  11. "When downloading"? You are wanting a behavior that is backwards to what the dialog says and what the function does. "Alternate upload rate when not downloading" (emphasis added) is what the dialog says. The setting is there for people who want one upload rate while downloading (the first option without the checkbox) and another upload rate when there's no downloading going on, only seeding (the option with the checkbox)
  12. No, you need private trackers that aren't run by idiots. And we won't be EVER implementing that functionality.
  13. fix your browser so that it actually downloads the whole file. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=67400
  14. You mean the thing where something on your computer interferes with uTorrent writing the resume state properly?
  15. 1> look at the options menu 2> too many factors to list
  16. Relevance doesn't update until pieces fully complete, if you have enough incomplete pieces to account for the percentage of difference, then nothing is wrong.
  17. HTTP proxies can't forward UDP traffic.
  18. Here's what I have to say. Good riddance tard.
  19. using what exact version of wine?
  20. It will be ready when it's ready. And if you try to extract a set date from us, give it up. We don't deal with setting release dates.
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