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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. does the problem persist when you uninstall the security programs?
  2. DOWNGRADING IS NEVER A SOLUTION PEOPLE! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR BATTLESHIP STEEL THICK SKULLS! If there's actually a bug, troubleshoot it. And take your paranoia and kill it with fire. I'm sick of it.
  3. If uT is using that little, enable both disk cache bypasses. Post a new thread for this issue though, as we want to keep troubleshooting separate.
  4. And why the hell don't you want to troubleshoot your issue? If there's really a bug, it won't get fixed with an attitude like that.
  5. just replace the exe. It's not difficult.
  6. Why should we fix interaction with software that breaks stuff?
  7. The updater doesn't have 1.8 yet.
  8. Can we try to keep the troubleshooting of problems OUT of this thread please? Separate threads in the appropriate section of the forums would be better.
  9. Properties of the task, copy it from there.
  10. Because it's an old language file. Get the new one.
  11. http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/ZyXEL/P-660R-D1/Utorrent.htm A lot more helpful than you think if you take the time to read them.
  12. If the pieces are genuinely available, they will get to you. If you are not getting the final pieces due to hashfails, do NOT assume that turning off the ban on hashfail algorithm is at fault. Assume that it's either your connection setup or the peers you're downloading from. A peer that constantly sends you bad data will not stop sending bad data just because you're persistent. The more aggressive hashcheck algorithm will prevent you from wasting gigs upon gigs of transfer on bad data.
  13. Just because you THINK you didn't need to configure your ports before, you did. http://portforward.com/routers.htm has guides for a LOT of different routers. http://utorrent.com/setup_guide.php
  14. Which as a bad history of false positives. CA Security center is BROKEN.
  15. Yes. Use help -> check for updates.
  16. report that to the bittornado forums, not these ones
  17. No one if you don't know how to: 1> report your problem 2> report your problem properly 3> report your problem in the correct damn place
  18. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=11601
  19. Never. We're working on the 1.8.x line.
  20. Ok, wrong thread for 1. Since when have we released this in rar format?
  21. What program are you referring to specifically? If you're referring to something you downloaded using uTorrent, that is beyond our support. If you're referring to uTorrent itself, http://utorrent.com/faq.php#Installation
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