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Ban IP list - by Hash Error


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I think it definately needs to be a ban.

Reason i posted this was due to one of my linux iso's having about 400 bad packets of data. Which worked out to be about 1 gig lost.

Even if the ban is for an hour or 2 that'd alteast stop certain clients constantly filling the connection with bad data.

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Not only should it be a ban, it would be nice to have a way to relate the number of allowed hash fails to the piece size, so users could decide how much of bad data they allow one peer to send before banning it.

I would also very much appreciate a notification of repeated hash fails. On private trackers where ratios limits are quite strict, it isn't nice to notice that you have downloaded five times the size of torrent.

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Not only should it be a ban, it would be nice to have a way to relate the number of allowed hash fails to the piece size, so users could decide how much of bad data they allow one peer to send before banning it.

I would also very much appreciate a notification of repeated hash fails. On private trackers where ratios limits are quite strict, it isn't nice to notice that you have downloaded five times the size of torrent.

And just how much bad data do you think people would allow?

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And just how much bad data do you think people would allow?

It shouldn't ban on the occasional bad packet... bursts of noise and buffer overruns during transit still happen from time to time.

1%, I'd find acceptable. You're still getting plenty of useful data.

50%? unacceptable... ban... 20%? ... probably still ban...

probably would even ban on 10%...

Should have some tolerance for bad packets tho. Bad packets aren't as common as they used to be pre-HST/Telebit days, but they still happen although much more rarely.

-- Smoovious

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  • 1 year later...

Very bad implementation. It bans hosts, not caring in what time scale hash errors occur. It keeps constantly banning peers with really good speed (~400kB/s), even if i add them manually, after 10 or 15 minutes they are banned.

I think, at first ban should occur at some ratio, not fixed 5 hash fails. Plus amount of allowed fails should be configurable, plus preferably the peers i add manually shouldn't ever be banned.

I'm very annoyed, because also the old version without this feature isn't available.

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Actually i have no clue. My first idea was, just some network problems, however it should be fixed first at TCP level. So next guess would be bad implementation of bittorrent protocol. The peer i have problems is rtorrent (libtorrent based). However most of data i get from it are in good shape, so i would prefer failures just to be ignored (and move on to next chunk)

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