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How to calculate availablity ? 3 Examples


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How is availabilty calculated? After having read some comments I am still


The best would be if someone could tell me the availability values for the following 3 simple

examples. Assuming that there is a download with (only) 5 chunks/pieces and 2 resp 3 seeds/peers

"y" indicates that the chunk is available.

What would be the availability for:


chunk No 12345

peer No1 yynnn

peer No2 nnnyy


chunk No 12345

peer No1 yyynn

peer No2 nnyyy


chunk No 12345

peer No1 yyynn

peer No2 nnnyy

peer No3 yyyyy

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Ok, so there is no guarantee that an availibilty > 1.0 indicates that ALL chunks are available (at least once per chunk)?

Is there another way to detect if at last 1 source exist for EVERY chunk?

From what you have said it would mean that:


chunk No 12345

peer No1 yynnn

peer No2 nnnyy

peer No3 yynyy

peer No4 yynny

has a "huge" availability of 11/5 = 2.2 but could never be successfully finished.

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An availability of > 1.0 means you can complete the download.

What this means is there does not need to be a SEED in the swarm as long as between them... your #2 was a prime example of this.

You totally missed the math involved

has a "huge" availability of 11/5 = 2.2 but could never be successfully finished.

It does not have a 11/5 available. That is .800.

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If you do not see total availability > 1.000 you cannot complete the torrent. You must remain in the swarm until such time that condition is met, or stop the torrent and delete the data.

pstein, that's the problem though, with just a torrent file (infohash) you have no other data about the swarm. Unless you are at the client and see a seed connect that one time a week, you may think the swarm is dead. But the fact remains unless you see availability > 1 the swarm cannot complete to make other seeds. (There is one caveat to this, as initial/super seeders appear as a peer with 0.0%... so If you see another peer going up proportionately to your % increase it is in all likelihood a masked seeder)

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