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Is the an auto speed ratio throttle?


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Howdy All,

I browsed and searched but couldn't find an answer to this, maybe I was search for wrong term.

Does utorrent have an automatic speed ratio limiter coded?

What I mean is, if I set the max upload speed for a torrent below 10kb/s, then the download speed slows down as well.

It almost appears that below 10kb/s that there is a 4 or 5 to 1 ratio of download to upload speed.

Is this true or is it my imagination?


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Actually, when downloading, limiting the upload improperly (either too much or too little) will negatively affect your download speeds.

Uploading too much chokes off your connection's ability to acknowledge and request downloads.

Uploading too little flags you as a leech.

What is too little? Is it the speed or the ratio?

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When you limit your upload, you are limiting your download as well!

About two hours ago. I was uploading with 100kB/s and I was downloading with about 100kB/s. After decreasing upload speed to 50 kB/s, my download speed decreased to 50 kB/s. And this is not the fist time this is happening. I think some clients (not uTorrent at the moment) have some kind of upload/download ratio per connected peer. In other words, if a client downloads with good speed from you, that client will also upload with good speed to you.

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No, you don't understand how BitTorrent works. It's logical that when your upload decreases, so does your download. This is the way BitTorrent works in any decent client, it rewards people who upload a lot with faster downloads. That's why it's so important to tweak your uploads at the most optimal configuration for your network. So, to rehears what others have been saying: you need to cap your upload and download at about ~75% (more or less, this depends on how "snappy" you want websites to load) to get the most out of your network. :)

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what I do know is that when I limited my upload to 30, as recommended here (I have a 1.5m/384k ADSL), my home network bandwidth was no longer saturated, and it seemed that my download speed actually got better, maybe because it could share torrent data more efficiently. I'm not sure.

But all I can share is 384k max, but limiting to 30kB in Utorrent, all my other 3 home network machines can still browse the internet with a nice level of responsiveness and I can get Torrent downloads from 80-180kB (usually around 80-100kB). I'm pretty freakin' happy. It was the ONLY change I had to make to help things work smoother. Much simpler than Azureus or even Bit Spirit to configure and use, imo.

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what I do know is that when I limited my upload to 30, as recommended here (I have a 1.5m/384k ADSL), my home network bandwidth was no longer saturated, and it seemed that my download speed actually got better, maybe because it could share torrent data more efficiently. I'm not sure.

What happened when you limited your upload instead of leaving it on unlimited is that you were no longer choking off your connection's ability to acknowledge and request downloads.

It's a standard troubleshooting step and is even covered at http://btfaq.com

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