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µTorrent WebUI


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Hi Ultima!

A couple of questions...

1. Where can I find the keyboard shortcuts used to enable/disable panes/icons?

2. Is there a feature to provide a small version for small displays (phone)? Because it's giving me a really small version without any need. Is there a way to disable/change that?

Nice work with the update of WebUI. :)

And thanks!

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Problems on Chrome 8.0.552.237 under Ubuntu 10.10

The text on the tabs is gone. I only see the icons.

Also on the preferences page, the menu list on the left side is missing - just white space.

On Opera 11.01 all is fine.

Also fine on Firefox 3.6.13

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You have any extensions or Greasemonkey scripts installed or something?

Good point. I have KeyboardNavigation - Version: 0.5.13

Disabled - and all is fixed.

Pitty, I like this extension.:(

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Greetings. Maybe I've missed something up and I'm sorry for it, but:

1) When side-scrolling torrent list (too many columns enabled), column names aren't moving and remain and same place so last columns names aren't reachable and readable;

2) There is no trackers tab?

3) Error status still shows only "Error: ??"

utorrent - µTorrent Server 3.0 alpha build 24118

WebUI - utorrent-webui.2011012713315785.zip

Browser - Chromium 8.0.552.237 (70801) Ubuntu 10.10 (with no plugins)


Error status not showing "file not found" error. "Error: Too many open files" shows properly. Don't know about other errors exactly.

Also, torrent list is updating incorrectly. When "Downloading" filter checked, downloaded torrent gets status "finished/seeding/queued seed", but not removes from list. Or, when "Active" filter checked, torrents that become inactive not removes from list.

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@DonGato: Keyboard shortcuts / Hotkeys, and I'm not sure what you mean by "small version".

Many thanks for the shortcuts. I read somewhere there is a shortcut for removing the icons in the details pane. For now I'm changing the CSS file but I would prefer not to.

What I mean is this:


I only see two columns (# and Name), but this only happens in the mobile browser (BlackBerry Torch 9800) and not on my Firefox or IE. It didn't happen with the old 3.61 WebUI.

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Well, here is 2 screenshots.



About 1st problem - enable all columns or size-up one of these to appear a side-scroll (scrsht01). After scrolling to right end (scrsht02), column names remains at same place so we get nice effect with nice result :)

About incorrect list updating - on both screenshots "Active" filter enabled. As you can see, there are many non-active torrents showed up.

Also look at http://graf.dyndns.org/.!/scrsht03.png. Textbox for cache size slided down.

Another problem - changes in "Advanced options" gives no effect. It doesn't matter what I'm trying to change - gui.update_rate, net.max_halfopen, isp.primary_dns, etc. It shows "default" values for parameters after Apply&OK.

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I only see two columns (# and Name), but this only happens in the mobile browser (BlackBerry Torch 9800) and not on my Firefox or IE. It didn't happen with the old 3.61 WebUI.

Did you try to reset the columns in the webUI? (right click on '#' or 'Name' column header and reset)

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Hi, just a quick question, might have missed it but couldn't see the answer in this thread.

I'm running UT v1.8.2 and 0.371 has been working great, but does 380 no longer support 1.8.2? Stuck at the loading screen and hitting ESC doesn't help in this case. Thanks

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@Frenik: I don't and won't test WebUI on unsupported versions of µTorrent -- especially not two year old versions.

@DonGato: There is no shortcut. There is a menu item to do that, reachable from the µTorrent icon at the bottom-left of the screen. As for why it's broken on your BlackBerry... well, actually, I'm not seeing what's broken. If the screen has limited horizontal screen real estate, then naturally the rest of the columns won't be visible.

@vrn_vrds: Yeah, I don't know what to say to that. I haven't experienced the problem on any browser and/or platform, so I probably wouldn't be able to fix it anyway. Good to hear that it's fixed on your end though. Text input flowing downward is something I've already (somewhat) addressed in my own local code, while I was working on making WebUI's layout font independent. As for the Advanced options not working, I don't know either, since it works perfectly fine for me. Finally, the category thing I also can't reproduce.

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Finally, the category thing I also can't reproduce.

I'm seeing more-or-less the exact same thing in WebUI as µTorrent shows for categories.

Set button just not shows on 1366x768 screen-size

Oh, is that why you mentioned that the Advanced settings weren't saved? In that case, then yeah, it's a layout issue that should already be fixed for the next release. Hopefully.

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Yeap, that's why. I'm sorry for disappointing you. I've powered on my pc with 1920x1200 screen-size only few hours ago and I saw button only now.


It's works pretty only when you know about the set button. I hadn't seen it and didn't knew about it, so I never minded about tab-stroking to it.

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I notice now the following problem that Active list grows:

1) I click on Active, it shows Active(4)

2) I go to another tab on the browser or I minimize the browser and do something else

3) After some minutes I come back and the Active is now Active(3), but I see 10 or whatever torrents in the list

4) I click, e.g. on All, then back on Active and now the list shows only the 3 really active torrents

It appears that when torrents become inactive they cannot be dropped from the active list

Ubuntu 10.10, any browser

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Ah hah! I see the bug... Very silly data type mismatch introduced with multi-category selection. It'll be fixed for the next build. That explains the bug vrn_vrds was experiencing too. Thanks for the detailed reproduction steps -- definitely helped me track it down with relative ease :)

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I'm currently unable to login as admin, because I've logged in as guest. Is there any way to undo this other than disabling guest account in uTorrent itself? I can't access the host computer at the moment. Even though I will be able to disable the guest account by myself in a few hours, I may not be able to do so the next time.

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