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Cumulative Sorting


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I won't bother explaining it in English. It's kinda hard. ;)

Present behavior... Sorted by name...


Note the names (sort order by name), seeds, and label in each.

Sort by seeds... (thanks Ludde! :D )


Sort by Label (after sorting by seeds)...


Note that it reverts to sort by name -> sort by label.

Desired result for step #3...


Faked the screenshot, to remove the one LTorr... entry. It should group by label, but preserve the sort by seed.

It's the way most things sort, at least ;)

Think it can be done? Or is there another way to acheive the same functionality?

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Also note that I only partially blurred out the names. I show the names to show that it's always defaulting to sort by name, then sort by what you told it to. That is, if what you sort by has more than one entry (like a group of torrents with the same label), it'll sort the "same" entries by their torrent name, then by the label. Even if you had just sorted by seeds before.

See what I meant by "it's kinda hard" to explain? ;)

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How about you not exploding and actually reading the link I provided. It IS the documentation.

If not, I'll just quote it for you here and bold the RELEVANT parts.

How can I add other columns of info? Can I sort by more than one at the same time?

Right click on the column (either on the main section of the window, Files, or Peers tab), and check the columns you want to add or remove.

You can sort by any column by clicking on it. Press shift click on a column to setup a secondary sorting order.

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*zip*! Haha bitches, can't catch me. :lol:

Still, how bout seperating those two. It's not exactly intuitive to hold Shift while sorting, when most programs automatically assume you're sorting cumulatively. If you sort by something that has a lot of duplicates, it sorts them within the previous sort, and it all works out. To have to hold Shift is kinda ass-backwards... o.O

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It's how you look ~Falcon4, shift always means (in windows) to 'add' something.

Try this for instance:

1- Select any file on your desktop

2- Hold 'Shift' and select another one

Now all the 'file's' are selected between your first selected and last selected file.

So if you look that way, shift makes sense. You 'add' another sorting.

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That would be control. Shift means "all in between". And since I'm not actually "selecting" sorts, it's really counter-intuitive. In Windows (and Azureus, for that matter), if you click one sort, then click the other sort, it'll simply re-arrange the items within the last sort. It won't first re-sort by name, then by what you just clicked - it'll just re-arrange the results of the last sort within the new sort.

For example, if you have a ton of files created across a few days, it'll start sorted by name (if that's what you last chose), and you have it sort by size, then sort by last modified, it'll be sorted name->size->date (if there are multiple files with the same size and date, they'll be in name order). Same with Azureus, I used to use that all the time.

Is it a programming limitation, since µTorrent uses all custom libraries and whatnot? I mean, would it be as easy as removing the first sort-by-name instruction and just letting it resort within what it's already sorted as?

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I don't know but for me if I click, for example, to sort by torrent NAME, then just normal click (no shift) on torrent STATUS, it arranges it by STATUS with everything under one status type in alphabetical order. I guess I'm just making status primary and the alphabetical's moving to secondary, but either way it's without shift.

So I think if you click sort by your secondary thing first then your primary...it'll arrange it how you want without that horrible pain of having to hold down shift ^_^

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I fully agree with Falcon4... µTorrent should use cumulative sorting by default. Every application I know that supports multi-sorting has it this way (the applications I write also use that behaviour).

Remembering having to press <SHIFT> for µTorrent makes the UI needlessly complex (i.e., this feature is basically a dead feature because >90% of the people don't know about it)

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That would be control. Shift means "all in between". And since I'm not actually "selecting" sorts, it's really counter-intuitive. In Windows (and Azureus, for that matter), if you click one sort, then click the other sort, it'll simply re-arrange the items within the last sort. It won't first re-sort by name, then by what you just clicked - it'll just re-arrange the results of the last sort within the new sort.

It's false, in windows explorer, sort by size, then sort by type, you will see that whithin the same type, it won't be sorted by size, but by name.

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It's how you look ~Falcon4, shift always means (in windows) to 'add' something.

Try this for instance:

1- Select any file on your desktop

2- Hold 'Shift' and select another one

Now all the 'file's' are selected between your first selected and last selected file.

So if you look that way, shift makes sense. You 'add' another sorting.

Actually CTRL means add, shift means sweep. ;)

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