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WebUI v0.315


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@kucku: That's entirely irrelevant to the thread -- this isn't a thread about µTorrent, it's a thread about its webui feature. If you have an issue with µTorrent, then post in the Troubleshooting forum. And get Process Explorer from sysinternals.com, File > Save, then post the contents of the saved process list in the .txt file in the new thread.

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This is a great addition to an already great bittorrent client, but I've found that if I leave it running for some time, I have problems with adding torrents - url or file - via the webui. FYI, I'm running utorrent as a service on my server(firewall/router). I haven't tested running it outright while logged in with a user account, so I'm not sure if the problem is independant of this.

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I'm not able to make this work.

The uTorrent software I want to acces from work is on a computer that's on a wireless network at home. My router is a Dlink DI-514 connected to the internet on a cable modem. I tried to enter the IP adress of the computer, plus the port, but it does'nt work. Can you help me?

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Did you open the specified utorrent port on your router?

Is your webui archive in the same directory as your utorrent settings.dat file?

Is your computer at work possibly firewalled in the outgoing port range your utorrent port falls into?

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The specific utorrent port is open. The Webui archive is in the right directory, since I was able to configure Webui. To the third question, my awnser is...I dont know. But, I work at a big place. We are very much "firewalled". I guess I have my awnser.

Could you explain to me with a little more precision what you mean by "firewalled in the outgoing port range your utorrent port falls into"?

Thanks for your help.

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eh.. I could be wrong but I believe it's possible to configure the webui in the utorrent settings without having the archive in the correct directory. ..but if you found the settings.dat and threw the archive in the same directory, I suppose you're in good shape by that regard.

What I meant about the 'outgoing port range' is that sometimes businesses will setup a firewall to give you exactly what you need for standard services (HTTP, etc.) and nothing else. Also take into consideration that the ports randomly assigned by utorrent are usually pretty high(in the 10s of thousands), where there's very few, if any, standard services using that range. So it may be possible that your employer has your outgoing utorrent port blocked.

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Hi, can anyone help...

I have the Beta 2 version and trying to install and run it. I've followed the read me word for word. But I only get 'Loading' page.

I'm runing IE7.

I've done the 2 things that on the read me. (Ctrl+F5 and pasting the other link in) but still got the same 'loading' page.

Any help would be appreciated.


I've got it working with localhost instead if the IP address.

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