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Red torrent status icon with utorrent 1.8


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I have problem with utorrent 1.8 after extended times of seeding eg more than 1 day utorrent shows a red download/upload arrow to all my torrents.

It is not a tracker issue as all of them would not go off at the same time as i have multiple trackers.

I did not have this issue with utorrent 1.7.7 but as soon as 1.8 is installed it does this.

I have peerguardian2 installed and zonealarm 7.0 internet security installed.

If anyone can help me out to pinpoint the issue it would be much appreciated.

I think it may be bug that they haven't fixed.



To any person is thinking about commenting on their problems with estnod which this has nothing to do with do not post here there other posts that you can go to, to help you with the issue!

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k enough with zone alarm is shit i get it! does anyone have a suggestion what security suite works with utorrent 1.8 then? also I dont think that zonealarm is the problem because it worked perfectly with 1.7.7(i have allowed all the ports and other stuff to make sure it does work).

To the admins it may pay to throughly test the software through the beta testing stage, id rather have the software take longer to be released than to have a program that is full of bugs. An example of a buggy piece of software/OS windows vista!

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ok guys, I would really be happy if you could go somewhere else with discussion about who is to blame...lol

As to the topic-I am also having the "red flag" problem, but my started when I changed antivirus.

Since then I have also re-formatted Windows and installed 1.8(utorrent)-it's all the same.

The dl arrow goes red and there is nothing written anywhere why-btw-some upload "arrows" goes also red-somethimes when I restart utorrent its ok for a while.

Anyone having any clue?

Help will be very appriciated...

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I'm having the exact same problem. Installed 1.8 yesterday and now all my seeds and downloads just show a red up/down arrow and nothing is active. The tracker says "Your client is spoofing". Any ideas why?

I solved it in this particular case by editing the tracker to use https and the 443 port, but I'm still curious as to why this is happening. What is µTorrent doing differently this time?

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armmany, please click on the torrent and view the Tracker tab to see what the error is.

jfenz41, do you use a firewall? If you do, remove and recreate any and all firewall rules for it. It might even help to reboot.

I'm having the exact same problem. Installed 1.8 yesterday and now all my seeds and downloads just show a red up/down arrow and nothing is active. The tracker says "Your client is spoofing". Any ideas why?

I solved it in this particular case by editing the tracker to use https and the 443 port, but I'm still curious as to why this is happening. What is µTorrent doing differently this time?

If your ISP puts you behind a transparent HTTP proxy, it can munge the headers and cause this problem. They can't do the same for HTTPS.

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I have run utorrent with private trackers fine for many months. Since updating to 1.8 I too have the same problem. Over a period of 12-24 hours, I will notice every torrent appear red with no traffic.


O Each torrent shows the tracker as being offline and utorrent is timing a retry. This is despite the tracker not being offline.

O I should still have a cached directory of peers and seeds for each torrent but these are all 0(0).


X There is no firewall running

X AVG is running but with http monitoring disabled.

X AVG shows nothing in the event history to denote activity.

X Closing utorrent and restarting the application will (albeit temporarily) fix the issue: utorrent finds all trackers again and connections are established.

X DHT is disabled.

X net.max_halfopen is set to 8

X There is no proxy.

X TCP and UDP port open.

X utorrent states

Network OK

Your network connection is working like is should


[DHT] Not Allowed

[Local Peer Discovery] Not Allowed

[Peer Exchange] Not Allowed

http://domain:port/path [offline] retry in xxs

Next time it happens I will take a screenshot or is there anything else that would prove more helpful? diag logs?

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What router do you have?

Its a Draytek Vigor 2800. I'm well aware of the issue cheap dlink and netgears have not releasing connections properly so I've bought this hoping it will be a lot more robust and its been money well spent.

Have you tried lowering net.max_halfopen to 4? Try disabling local peer discovery and UPnP/NAT-PMP.

net.max_halfopen is now set to 4

Under connection I now have..

[ ] Enable UPnP port mapping (was on)

[ ] Enable NAT-PMP port mapping (was on)

[ ] Randomise port each start

[x] Add Windows Firewall exception

and for BitTorrent I have

[ ] Enable DHT Network

[ ] Enable DHT for new torrents

[ ] Enable Local Peer Discovery (was on)

[x] Ask tracker for scrape information

[x] Enable Peer Exchange

[ ] Limit local peer bandwidth

μtorrent was restarted at about 1730 so I'll see how it goes.

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K now it has just happened again with error offline (timed out) and i know that the tracker is not offline.

Since other ppl are having this issue even without security suites monitoring utorrent it still happens which means it's a bug.

It even still lists peers which means the tracker is still active but the torrents have a red up arrow.

I have just restarted utorrent and changed the net.max halfopen to 4

Il see if that fixes it.

It shouldn't matter what modem you have because they keep on saying it worked in 1.7.7

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If you have timeout errors double check you're not overloading the network stack. Check the Event Viewer. Are you getting 4226 errors? Lower the halfopen count in uTorrent. Just because you think it's happening to alot of people with disparate setups doesn't mean it doesn't have the same root cause... no more halfopen sockets left.

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Windows Event viewer... don't know the shortcut, but start > run > compmgmt.msc should work just fine. You're looking for event id type "4226" basically not enough half open slots due to tcpip.sys limitations. Many people follow "guides" which should really be labelled "how to kill your internet"... Even with ample advertising/banners, many people never even SEE the http://utorrent.com/guides.php page which is information the people who made the program recommend.

I fully am for fixing problems, but for anyone who says that the developers / staff don't care... I'd point them to V1.8 Stable IO error on network disk, works fine on 1.7.x versions and uTorrent 1.8 failures ... unfortunately too many software suites out there interfere with p2p applications like uTorrent therefore proper and complete "basic" troubleshooting is needed to get to the next step.

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does tcpip.sys have problems on only xp pro/home or does it apply also to server 03 and or 08 and vista versions? I have heard that vista doesn't have the tcpip.sys problem as vista is optimized for cable internet ect.

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OK, I think people are pulling this thing way off in the wrong direction. The point is that everything works perfectly when reverting back to 1.7.7. So what is new in 1.8 that causes this problem? And how can we fix it permanently for trackers not using SSL? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here.

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