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New utorrent.com redesign - give us your feedback!


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We've redesigned utorrent.com and we have it up for an early preview. Please give us your feedback on it! We really want to hear what you guys think of it. :)

Please let us know of any issues, bugs or concerns with the new site.

Check it out here!

If you see returning-visitor as your first page, you can visit http://newsite.utorrent.com/?debug=1 to see the homepage without being redirected.

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I really like it. Clean design, straight to the point. Perhaps a small screenshot can be added, though? I think it'd compliment the design to see what the app looks like, something I often look for on an unfamiliar application's website (but they often fail to deliver on)... :)

No real glaring issues with Chrome 10.0.648.126 (beta channel) with Win7 SP1 x64.

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uTorrent should be turned into an Operating System so that people that want to download stuff, they don't have to leave their computer on. People would just have to find an old computer to install uTorrent OS on. Have that on all the time besides your own computer. Make it so that uTorrent OS is made to be on for a long extended period of time. I think it's a good idea.

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Many links of the forum tabs are broken because they redirect to the wrong page.

o Download: OK

o Apps: 404 Not Found and should be http://user.utorrent.com/get-started/apps/about

o Skins: should be http://user.utorrent.com/get-started/skins

o Documentation: should be http://user.utorrent.com/help/guides/

o FAQ: should be http://user.utorrent.com/help/faq

o Forums: OK

o Idea Bank: 404 Not Found and should be http://user.utorrent.com/community/ideabank

o Labs: should be http://user.utorrent.com/community/labs

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fareout here. i just hit the new update and ran the 2.2.1 version of utorrent. is that the way to update to the new version. wshebib@cogeco.net p.s. or do i save the file . then uninstall the 2.2 version then install the 2.2.1 . i am confused on this matter.

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