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uTorrent UI is getting worse by the version


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Yesterday, I "upgraded" to uTorrent 3 from 2.2 I think it was. I immediately had to uninstall it and instead of going back to 2.2, I actually went back to 2.0, which IMO is the latest version before the awful person responsible for UI came into power. Version 2.0 has bright, colorful, well-thought out buttons (green for start, orange for pause, red for stop) which simply made sense. When I started using version 2.2 I could not look at most icons and readily know what they do; they were all green I think (trying to erase my memory of it) with some convoluted shapes that did nothing for usability in addition to being ugly.

Now uTorrent 3 is here and boasts "a more simplified and polished UI". If you've now hidden numbers relevant to me, like the number of seeders and leechers I'm connected to, and give me 4 green bars to indicate "health" instead then I think that is a step backward. Would it also make sense to remove the progress indicator and replace it with 4 green bars? I think not, so why do it for the seeds and leechers? Also, I'm not even sure if there is a net gain in adding the tabs.

uTorrent developers: stick to what made you so popular in the first place. Make it fast. Make it light. This includes the UI too. uTorrent 2.0 had the perfect UI. You could easily figure how it works by looking at the buttons alone and all the necessary information was there right in front of you.

A new version of any software only needs to have new features or fixes. Changing the UI breaks familiarity and is actually for the worse if the new UI is not properly designed. Unfortunately, I think utorrent is going downhill. Guys, stick to what made you so popular in the first place. Simple, lightweight, easy to use.

That being said, I know that you can change the appearance using themes etc. That is not the point. How sensible would the default theme be if most users (the ones that know about themes) opt to switch from it?

Continue to keep up the good work. utorrent is my favourite bittorrent client and I hope that I won't have to switch from it.


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The only thing I hate about 3.0 is the awful color scheme for the files and pieces progress bars. If they would let me change the color scheme back, or change it back in an update, I would be happy with the new version. There's no way to know what the new colors mean (what is gray? what does a purple piece block mean?) I was used to the shades of blue, with green being a piece that was downloading...wtf??? :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...


I agree with your points on the new color scheme. Green, orange, red - they were well understood in v.2.0. Why make those weird changes in v.3?

Additionally, I hate the change of colors in "Status" column. In v.3.0 I can't distinguish "Seeding" from "Finished" marks there... The change made it more difficult to see the whole picture. Why it was changed at all?

IMHO, the new "Health" column brings nothing useful :( I guess I'll just turn it off.

BTW, I've changed the new format of "Added" column back to normal almost immediately after I was shocked with the new "fuzzy" format... Why needs it to see "fuzzy" anyway?

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Is there any way to return the height of rows in main grid (containing the list of torrents) back to what it was in v.2.2?

I was very disappointed to see, that the height of rows was increased (may be by 50%) from what is was in v.2.2. I run uTorrent on a netbook with very limited vertical screen space - 600 dots only. As you may guess, on such screen every pixel counts... Now as a result of the latest UI redesign I see less here :( Thanks god you still keep Detailed Info | Peers grid as it was before.

Is there any way to restore height of the lines in the main grid back?

I'm considering to return back to v.2.2.1 only for that one reason!

Please make it back as it always was prior to v.3.0 !!!

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I don't know if anyone has posted this elsewhere but i found if you right click on the top bar (say over health) some tabs come up and you can opt for it to show seeders and leechers etc and other things. Plus you can de-select what you don't want . Hope this helps.

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I don't know if anyone has posted this elsewhere but i found if you right click on the top bar (say over health) some tabs come up and you can opt for it to show seeders and leechers etc and other things. Plus you can de-select what you don't want . Hope this helps.

This is very helpful information. Thanks. I just don't get why the UI designers feel the need to dumb down the software so much.

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I don't know if anyone has posted this elsewhere but i found if you right click on the top bar (say over health) some tabs come up and you can opt for it to show seeders and leechers etc and other things. Plus you can de-select what you don't want . Hope this helps.

The only negative to this is that if you change it in Downloading and go into Completed it doesn't have the same categories. Sucky interface is right!!

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+1 to first post.... the longer uTorrent live - the less i like changes...


cute & nice icons that was in best (1.8) version transformed in some strange grey mass.. oh.. i mean green mass... square ugly things :(( very sad..

ps: it was really light and fast client.. now actually i almost dont see difference between (as example) bitcomet.. some strange ugly searches in client.. what for it? best way to get needed torrents - visit favorite torrent site.. no?.. a lot of such things happen.. sadly.. but.. all other existing torrents client much more ugly.. so.. i'm still using uTorrent.. hopefully i can prevent its update.. but sadly.. new version have some nice settings..

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Hello , my 1st post here!

- so i just ireinstalled my OS and i HAD to redownload uTorrent and i see now its 3.0 , and i can only say it's 10 times worse than what i was used to , the icons for the torrents weren''t even there , i had to go enable them from Advanced tab , that sidebar thing also is useless for me and it took me 1 hour to figure out how to hell to remove it , and now i just noticed the most anoyng thing! When u clicked on "Status" to order the torrents by download percent , in 2.2 version the torrents ALSO ordered by name and by the ammount of % completed : ex: torrent X with 23% was above torrent Y with 21% , in the fail'd 3.0 version some smartass programmer decided that the torrents dont order themselfs anymore by % completed but by NAME , so yes , when i click to order downloading torrents by STATUS ( % completed) they actually order themselfs by NAME.....the guy who programmed this should totaly get a raise of salary for his dumbness......!!!!......and also why the hell when i stop a torrent , it goes on the top of the list ( when ordered by Status ).....it has no logic....this entire 3.0 uTorrent has no logic.....i will wait for a new update....and if the 1st update doesnt fix this torrent ordering issues I'm downgrading to uTorrent 2.2 forever or untill this is fixed!

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Aye. The new colour scheme is complete tosh. Very hard to see the graphs. I had to skin the buttons because the new ones are nonsense. I can't even SEE the graphs. I registered here specifically to ask for the V2 colour scheme back. I can't see pale colours on white. Whose wise idea was THAT?!

I wish you folk would host past versions. I wish I'd kept my v2.0.4 installer. I'm tempted to change to a more workable client until you fix the damage done to this one.

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the label system sucks in 3.0... Your design is incorrect! You are supposed to have used checkboxes within the right click menu for selecting and de-selecting labels. Every time I select a new label I have to right click -> labels -> choose a label.... TOO MANY CLICKS. Imagine I want to select 3 labels, that's 9 clicks without even considering I have 'carefully' move my mouse so that I don't select the wrong label!

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i agree with you regarding the labeling system. just the fact that you cant keep and turn off certain labels for each category really aggrevates me. I mean why would I need to know about upload speed when I am downloading and yet you cannot turn it off in download and keep it in upload. very frustrating. I found a place to download the older versions of utorrent so if you want to know where to go just pm me.

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Absolutely agreed.

I consider 2.0.4 to be the ultimate utorrent build, last one Ludde (original coder) really worked on.

Everything new is bugged, unreliable, HUGELY bloated and just plain horrible when it comes to UI.

Yes, Bittorrent corporation killed uTorrent and it'll only get worse.

2.0.4 For Evar.

Over & Out.

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