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Everything posted by jewelisheaven

  1. http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_the_red_icons_mean_on_the_torrent_status_icons.3F
  2. Yea, extra features, and you get help when things go wrong? lol The sequential upgrade of 1.7.6 and 1.7.7 were due to public published finding of exploits to crash the client (which anyone will say is not the preferred behaviour). Any site disallowing 1.7 line is run by lazy admins and should not be frequented. Edit: By the way, they're a bit slow to the uptake.. at least they got wind of the news within a week >< There's a new version out.
  3. zik31 : You can try http://forum.utorrent.com/viewforum.php?id=17 for non-english forum postings protomank : I'm not sure what you're on about... Check the sticky at the root of the forum for all things WebUI, what it works with, where it's been "ported", etc.
  4. Nothing, solely stop bugging people about a new release. I'd imagine we can expect an update of sorts after 1.8 goes stable or beta at the EARLIEST.
  5. The whole thing. Feel free to not continue using uT. It is your choice after all. But I bet uninstalling just one program will make the crashing go away. If you don't want to paste the logfile go through http://utorrent.com/faq.php#Incompatible_software first to see if your problem may be related to known incompatible programs.
  6. Please post a Process Explorer logfile. open procexp, Ctrl-L, Ctrl-D, click utorrent.exe, Ctrl-A, and copy-paste below. How long after starting uT does it crash? Can you paste the BSOD error?
  7. @cla32: I'd think as long as you made a rule for the new utorrent.exe in c:\Program files\utorrent\ it should work??
  8. uhm, one would think those settings would be controlled by the UI for KIS. If that is your utorrent location... are you sure there's only one EXE in that directory? :/ I'm sorry but I was never convinced to try out any of this software myself... I was almost convinced then a site's RSS downtime caused an uproar over the weekend, lol.
  9. Yes I'm sure about that. Multiple rules for the same port to different IPs confuse ANY firewall. Theoretically it would forward 1/2 packets to the right destination. Note I'm talking about PORT1 = 12345, IP1 =; PORT2 = 12346, IP2 = Also as Firon says download for 1.7.6 has been re-packed with an old UPX so please test it.
  10. Yes it does, locally editing the tracker list will disconnect peers.
  11. OK then. I apologize if I was offensive. Thank you for posting your own independent tests. But please leave opinion out of it. An opinion is like an anus, everyone has one but do you really want to see everyone elses?
  12. System read http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=299919#p299919 and http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=299924#p299924 cross-posted for your consumption. Trying to hold out on an old deprecated (and possibly exploitable) line is not common-sense, wise, or logical. ANY tracker, if indeed you are an admin/support/mod @ BmTV I laugh at you for blindly either knee-jerk banning or un-banning then re-banning without verification. ALL responsible sites which purport to be in the public's best interest should do their own testing of clients, OR in the even they are too busy / preoccupied to do it themselves... allow a select group of users to use suspect clients. I.e. they test with admin knowledge and approval to VERIFY / CHECK claims as to whether or not the problems are true (when relating at all with tracker interaction)... if it's just peer communication, sure they have no responsibility to pass along any (mis)information, but then they're just being lazy. The enlarged cerebrum supposedly separates us from "animals"... the inability of most people critical to ANYTHING without independent thought proves otherwise. Edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(logical_fallacy)
  13. My apologies. I misunderstood what I was told and expanded it from there. Anyone with brains and logic who listens to opposing views on the subject... read through the abstract the coder made on his proof of concept program. I'm not surprised Unicode wasn't in prior to BitTorrent, Inc. involvement... ludde created and coded uT for almost 2 years (if you start the clock when he first worked on it in '04 instead of starting at the first public build (110 if I'm not mistaken)... that's one helluva job for a guy with a normal 9-to-5~!!
  14. err, if the provider doesn't return DNS, nothing that uTorrent or the flag people can do about it. What do you mean incall?
  15. Do you know WHY it's not affected? 1.6 doesn't support the extensions. 1.6 is deprecated and old and undoubtedly has other exploits. It is indeed your choice to not upgrade. 1.7 was stable for how long before anyone reported the error? No program is without errors. Edit: Since you're probably too lazy to see the initial bug report http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=34587 . Nowhere does ANY uT or BitTorrent, Inc. representative state this affects 1.6. Take your trolling / flaming / FUD elsewhere.
  16. Start with the µTorrent Manual Ultima maintains (available in my signature as µManual) For specific questions you can make your own thread under General or.. depending upon your subject, User Interface, Feature Requests, etc.
  17. You know.. in 1.8 there is extra stuff in the Alt-H-S stats pane.. you can SEE WHEN you started the uT instance You don't need to stop 1.6 right now.. if you don't trust it, run it as a secondary process on one tracker for starters
  18. [03:58:15] [bDecode] Start: "O:\µTorrent\resume.dat" [03:59:09] [bDecode] End (54.320 seconds) [03:59:09] [TreeView Fill] Start [04:03:42] [TreeView Fill] End (230.571 seconds) [04:06:36] [bDecode] Start: "O:\µTorrent\Beta\TAS\resume.dat.old" [04:06:47] [bDecode] End (11.864 seconds) [04:06:52] [TreeView Fill] Start [04:07:52] [TreeView Fill] End (55.125 seconds) TreeView doesn't work as fast/efficient as before (same files). Did you enforce some bounding check? It uses ~ 14-23% less processing power now. For comparison BDecode uses up to 87% and TreeView only uses up to 63%. Also Ctrl-C takes a couple times to register, and seems to require a right click in the window (which doesn't do a thing) to make it work. Edit: I'd be happy to test our your streaming as long as I know of an hex editor which deals fine with content. The one I use shows boxes as well as extended ASCII so I don't want to chance corruption. Also pre-existing data like binary keys from the BFE can't be exported because it's already as 0xFFFFFF style, not actual binary data. Edit: OOOH! I see export, then Ins, raw bencoded, from file... nifty function. How do you want me to stress test it?? The log only show the functions BEncode BDecode and TreeView
  19. I tested the new Item menu.
  20. I see Item -> Export (is that the undocumented ^R?) where is raw input? Give me your email!!!
  21. So the entire time of decoding global hotkeys Ctrl-R and Ctrl-S are recognized (I presume also the rest of them, ^F ^H Ins Del Alt-Enter)... sure I'm always awake spidering the forums No need for a new update as long as I know what NOT to do..... Do my numbers stand up.. With the same testfile are you experiencing ~50% decreased decoding time vs. .41? Edit: Are you sure it's not just Ctrl being recognized as down... I do frequently Ctrl-Tab Ctrl-Shift-Tab because in my general firefox session I have ~ 40 tabs...
  22. i TOLD you... 4201 loaded torrents, oi! You'd think after all the constructive criticism I've contributed you'd take my word for it without seeing for yourself As I said the double blocks and HUEG numbers only exist for click-drag loaded files. OH! i'm running Unicode btw.
  23. Drat I don't seem to have an email for you. Sure I'll upload it. I told you though it's just decoding what I sent it. [sNIP] is the dat file. For the pictures, the double encode/decode and display blocks were ONLY experienced when I click-dragged the file into the BFE window. Note the log (could you make a menu option or context menu for "copy log" so pictures aren't necessary?) only shows the 500K+ for those operations. File->Open operations only show one decode and treeview display process. Did you want my other file... with the 50 subkeys per file for 1.8? Edit: For clarity, BFE is re-saving the files you click-drag into the window. (thereby resetting the last modified time of this resume.dat for ex, which hasn't been touched since my last picture of it).
  24. A sticky well deserved... I'm not sure if this is relevant but it appears that .5 resolved the 15 second interval decoding blocks... however I must have missed the memo.. since when did you HAVE to re-pipe output back to the decoded file when click-drag is used? There also seems to be some timing issue related to that 500000 seconds? that's almost a year! As always I have pictures for you... compare to the old numbers. Aside, YES I know scheme is wonky, but I've been using this for 1.8 colouring-testing, and well.. GREEN appears to be a lighter theme while still being NON-white, but still dark enough so as to not cause eye strain Edit: 1.2 - 1.8 ratios were obtained (old decode times / new decode times) so .. 55-83 % increase in speed?!?!?! Or did I forget something about basic math, lol BRAVO!!
  25. You can append the /NOINSTALL parameter. As I understood it this behaviour was only exhibited if you routinely start your uT from different locations. A recent post about this can be found @ http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=298646#p298646.
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