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Everything posted by jewelisheaven

  1. ... both computers can't be running on the same port behind the same firewall. They'd require different ports to allow the port forwarding to go to the separate IPs:port.
  2. You should always backup your settings prior to upgrades. (My Thoughts on Backups) If you want to make sure you keep the same viewing settings might I recommend using Ultima's BFE ... read this and understand column order for both the old and new version but once you know what your OLD settings were and you know the NEW settings you can "restore" your settings with hacking. Bencoded-Files Editor is an advanced user tool and as such comes with little extra support.
  3. Did you have anything others can help with regarding the manual to ... allow you time for a roll-up release .5? <wink>
  4. Quoting in this topic is your friend...but why don't you make your own topic. And what is your specific question? Capitalization is your friend. uT reports all of ITS traffic. If you're doing other traffic of course it won't be represented in uT's logging/regulation/visualization of your computer's traffic. Edited for clarity after I saw http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=293536#p293536 .
  5. This isn't a support thread. Ctrl-P -> Advanced gui.addpre_uselistview is the option you're asking for I think.
  6. I think your ramping-up of connections is beautiful, and i love the DEFAULT setting I didn't want to clutter the thread with my praise of you The default setting was my real gripe, and ANY change to the drop-down which makes it clearer to the end-user (I should find a 6 year old and ask them about the uT UI)... == GOOD :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  7. This is not really the place for WebUI support. If you do not have JS enabled or allow it (and the uT webui) to change your menus then enable those options. I'm getting perturbed that this thread is still being updated without actual content or related changes WE <3 you Directrix.
  8. If Availability (General tab) shows > 1.000 then you may have a problem with your router.. are you setup on DMZ mode? http://utorrent.com/faq.php#I_get_tons_of_hashfails_on_my_torrents_and_the_torrent_never_finishes If not, then your torrent is a fake and or dead and you will need to wait for a seed to hop on.
  9. I've never even heard of it but I bet it's something MS does "in the background".. If it indeed is a service you can set it to disabled under start-> run -> services.msc
  10. Well go through the Setup guide again (3rd link on Guides page found below) Also read through the entry http://utorrent.com/faq.php#Incompatible_software for the 4226 patch, that's essentially the tcpip.sys patch people perform when they modify said advanced setting. If you set it up the same on both routers it may be that another program is using that port?? Are you using some high number port (above 50000 is usually what I see people using)?
  11. IF one day was since the last ms critical update patch tuesday your tcpip.sys was reset, repatch it, or lower your net.max_halfopen .
  12. ? What IP range for roadrunner connections. They own .. uhm a large chunk of IP space. Did you check the ips listed at a site like whois.ws to see if it's subleased or re-assigned to someone OTHER than RR usage. Checking online funnily enough brough up http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=221926 as the first result. As others will tell you if you ask, PeerGuardian and the like is essentially useless. You are better off making your own blocklist from IPs you EXPERIENCE trouble with. (The following TWO links DWKnight likes to post: http://neuron2neuron.blogspot.com/2006/05/blocklist-balderdash.html and http://www.slyck.com/story1593_MediaDefender_Leak_Offers_BlueTack_Users_a_Reality_Check )
  13. Separate issues, and you should make sure uT runs before trying to start it in service mode (what you're asking about it to start in the system account versus waiting for a user to login). Also note that with it being headless i.e. service mode, you will not be able to change the download location. To do that you will have to stop it from service mode, start it in user mode to change it in the UI, then stop it in GUI mode, and restart the service.
  14. <3 your endeavour to keep people responsible for units kurahashi-san! I agree something akin to kurahashi's suggestion should be done about presentation if this overhaul does take place.
  15. Quite a read, and nicely laid out The ONLY addition I would make is to actively change the DEFAULT presentation of the speed guide on first run to something highly restrictive (maybe 28.8), so those who are paying attention would at least see SOMETHING is up and further investigation is needed. Currently 0/4/50/200/8/5 is lenient in upload slots, active connections, and active torrents for most people who would be using the software. Oh and unlimited upload as a default?! I'm surprised it hasn't been changed before now.
  16. All users on shaped / impacted ISPs can try the new 1.8 PRE BETA line @ http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31998 . It has implemented workarounds borne from collaboration with azureus and uT developers and seems to work in some cases.
  17. Well the only reason i asked was because it didn't align completely, or totally with MY CPU usage. The sample 1.7 resume.dat completely freezes my CPU (80% usage spike) for 1-1.5 seconds every save of it due to the hashing.As far as the speed... that's the same as your sample decode, 620 keys per second for 2 seconds is ~ your sample number. (4201*36=151236/243.705=620.5 AND 635*50=31750/40.809=778) I gave reference values and primary keys off the root as well as subkeys for verification. In any case, this will have saved me HOURS when I am finally able to have time to futz with migrating this to 1.8 -> (relative paths ftl ugh). Edit: I forgot HAPPY NEW YEAR! :cheer: ozzies kiwis and others on the pacific rim
  18. Blah! Now you have me wanting to make "impossible" files to see how it compares on my system. I thought 1200 files or 200 keys was "alot" since you rarely see that many in legitimate torrents. Read as: GOOD PROGRAM, and I want to break it Edit: here's a screencap of the resume.dat for 1.8 and only 635 torrents loaded :/ Is that expected since each torrent now has ~50 subkeys? Comparatively the 2nd picture is 4201 torrents in the 1.7 stable. The 3rd is process explorer showing vital stats for the editor during opening/decoding. ... 778 vs 620 entries decoded per second according to ROOT keys * entries / TreeViewFill time Also during decoding process the editor only functions near max CPU usage in 9-15 second increments... is this the actual decoding of each root key?
  19. Feature Request: Is it possible to add filetypes to the dropdown for the Ctrl-O open dialog? All files is nice, since it's a generic editor, but *.dat, and *.torrent would be a nice addition OOOOH Raw data import... that certainly would help if say I wanted to ADD announce-list key. Right now it takes .. 3 clicks, 1, add announce-list, change to list. add-child list, add child, binary as string. Edit: What kind of data is your test torrent populated with. I tried the loading with a torrent whose info block had 1200 files in it... < 1.5 sec loadtime. Also had the main dictionary have over 200 keys (manually edited) and it still didn't take > 2 seconds... Are you sure it's not based upon processor speed? I have a (relatively old 1.6 GHz) computer, but I can understand if you're taking the approach that uT is based upon, where it should be able to run speedily even on a 14 MiB RAM computer...
  20. AWWWWW... DRATS!!! I saw Directrix posted and figured it was some sort of update, not a "you should read the documents or thread/forum stickies" answer We love you Directrix :cool:
  21. The only difference domain name and IP is, the DNS lookup from your IP to your domain...
  22. This is the wrong thread / forum to gripe about speeds. Also µTorrent has just as many counter-measures as other bittorrent clients when it comes to automated shaping/throttling of traffic.
  23. Canadian ISPs dislike filesharing. I wouldn't recommend reviewing all of the forum, that's well over 30K topics. How about just a search with your ISP? Just because you are paying more for the same service does not mean they do not hobble your connection. As far as ruling, I'm not sure you can place any bittorrent client on-par with µT 1.7.5 stable at this time. This is a production real-world µTorrent 1.7.5 in action.
  24. Not especially. From Ultima's presentation of the tool, I take it as an actual graphical way to edit generic bencoded files. The specific.fileguard key is a component of uTorrent's configuration and as such, you can just remove the key when giving it unauthenticated files. *I thought i said that above, but I must have had my m&c on my mind* As far as you misunderstanding, I don't think so. You were quite a sport doing all that research, and using the forum, and finding this. I really only wanted to poke fun at you for not saying thank you. The other tool I use is torrentspy.sf.net but that doesn't allow one to edit, AND it only loads .torrent files. So when I wanted to check out changed keys in the 1.8 line for example, i had to rename files, then rename them back to use them. With the editor i can File - Load and BOOM! Again thanks for being an investigative person.
  25. You forgot to say thank you to Ultima. IN any case I"M surprised it loaded the file fine with the .fileguard attribute in there. FILEGUARD is calculated by uT upon save... the fact it didn't change is normal. Are you sure it didn't use the resume.dat.old when it found your edited resume.dat "Bad"? Also log messages in your original thread would help THis thread is (as i see it) the place to placate and place niceties on Ultima for making such a small easy to use bencoded file editor BTW, Ultima RULES!!! :cool: B-) K:)
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