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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. net.disable_ipv6 = false means ipv6 use is enabled.
  2. Yochanan: there's an IPv6 bug on microsoft's side in windows 7.
  3. That was requested before, trying to handle files like that doesn't happen cleanly in torrent clients.
  4. PS, did you also turn on "Always show dialog on manual add" in preferences - directories?
  5. Did you enable sparse files in the advanced preferences?
  6. Does it work trying that with a different computer on a different internet connection?
  7. My question wasn't a yes or no question.
  8. Are you trying to access the public IP of your computer with your cellphone connected via the cellular network or via wifi?
  9. I don't have a baseline to judge. You choose your settings based on the UPLOAD speed of the connection.
  10. Preferences - directories - always show dialog on manual add.
  11. Did you even read the post above yours?
  12. seahawk, how can a uTorrent release fix a windows bug?
  13. uTorrent isn't responsible for installing or uninstalling anything other than itself.
  14. Like rafi said, they just changed the default, they didn't remove the ability to choose.
  15. And when did you plan on reading the rest of this thread menl?
  16. Because there's a separate setting for that.
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