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Everything posted by DreadWingKnight

  1. Because the changelog says you do.
  2. Nice of you to read the changelog.
  3. Then uTorrent will point out that the torrent is loaded already.
  4. And what about the state of the "Always show dialog on manual add" setting?
  5. It's not even that way in the windows version yet.
  6. It is unnecessary to remove and re-add the torrent to have subsequent files download, but you're better off just downloading everything if you're going to do so anyway. It does take at LEAST an upload factor of 6 to recover from the damage that sequential downloading can potentially cause.
  7. Check with the russian translator.
  8. Idiot users were using 1kbyte/sec upload caps when their lines are capable of 100.
  9. And you behaving like an ass because you THINK you know better when you don't give specifics doesn't make you any less annoying or arrogant.
  10. Did I say to install peerguardian? No. I said to configure it or uninstall it.
  11. If you disable uTP, you don't connect to anyone who is set to uTP only. You still connect to any with TCP enabled in any way.
  12. So you haven't learned the setting to turn uTP off nivaldin?
  13. Router goes down, you need bootstrap nodes. My steps give you bootstrap nodes. You refuse to follow my steps, you basically refuse to fix your issue. Downloading openoffice doesn't mean installing openoffice, and it's not "shit code made by retards".
  14. So you aren't going to even try because you THINK that the steps don't address the specific case that's happening (even though the steps specifically handle this case)?
  15. Did you make sure that the user account that uTorrent is running as has full control over the files and folders?
  16. And what about the security properties on the download folders/files travisr?
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