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i've started making a new flags.bmp on my own to see how many flags can be replaced, but i think famfamfam and µTorrent use different abbreviations. most of them match, but the ones that don't i've left unchanged until i go through the whole set once. then i'll go back and see what's left. also, some of them have abbreviations matching but the flag looks different slightly, like it was updated. are the flags currently in the bitmap up2date? and what abbreviation convention do they use? is it iso3166?

on the plus side, i've googled the number of flags in the world, and i think there are 239, which is the exact number in famfamfam's set. if this is right, then the two flags currently missing from the flags.bmp would be accounted for.

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OK, i am done:



BMP: http://test.hostgen24.de/gfx/flags.bmp

i noticed some errors:

AC - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

AO - wrong in FFF, not replaced

BO - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

CC - wrong in FFF, maybe inofficial flag, used correct FFF australian flag

CR - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

CX - FFF has inofficial flag, used official FFF australian flag

EH - replaced unknown with FFF flag

ET - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

GG - not in FFF, not replaced

GT - wrong in FFF, not replaced

HT - wrong in FFF, not replaced

IM - not in FFF, not replaced

JE - not in FFF, not replaced

MQ - wrong in original set(regional flag), replaced with correct FFF flag

NC - FFF has inofficial flag, used official FFF french flag

PE - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

PK - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

PS - replaced unknown with FFF flag

SM - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

TF - FFF has inofficial flag, used official FFF french flag

TK - FFF has inofficial flag, used official FFF french flag

TV - wrong in FFF, not replaced

UM - slightly lighter in FFF than normal US flag, can't find evidence that this is right, used FFF US flag

YT - FFF has inofficial flag, used official FFF french flag

YU - not in FFF, not replaced

most wrong flags in FFF are regional or inofficial flags. In the original set the official flags was almost used always, but in one case. So i thought, that the official flags should normally be used.

There are quite a few wrong flags in the original set. Look at a list and then in wikipedia to fix them. Mostly there are some misplaced or missing logos in the flag. Or similar flags have been confused.

Some flags don't have a flag in the FFF set, but that is not so important, since most of these are some lone islands or former countries. The crown dependencies also don't have official country flags, since they are not even countries. I doubt, that these will be ever seen on BT.

I like the FFF flags more, but some are almost a bit too glossy. But overall they are cleaner. The original set is more blurry.

UPDATE: Made a EU-flag :)

Edited by Mugros
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does anyone have a list of what countries the codes in the .conf file correnspond too? it would really help with all this.


I like the german entry more:


But unless you speak german, use the english wikipedia.


The SVGs are a good start, but if you scale them down to 16x16 it is better to use handcrafted icons. The SVGs will be to blurry. They would be correct but won't be looking like nice icons. You could start to replace the most common countries to see how it would look like.

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yeah i see what you mean

edit: mugros, if you can make a list of the flags that weren't in FFF's set, we could probably ask him for an update to the set. he seems to accomodate people looking to use his sets and whatnot.

edit 2: if you do make this list, you might as well include the flags for "lone islands or former countries" and "crown dependencies" you were talking about. couldn't hurt to ask. :P

Edited by StoicJester
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I already wrote the author of the FF set an email about the wrong flags. But updating the wrong ones wouldn't be too hard.

I will take a look at the AQ flag tomorrow. It is too late now, 4 am.

I think i will include the inofficial flags again. I doubt that we will ever see flags from some small french or british islands on BT, but it would be nice. Maybe better than having the same flag for different ccTLDs.

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New BG ISP's ;)

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Updated the flags.bmp.

This time i checked all flags against Wikipedia and found some more errors:

AC - british island. They are searching for a new flag and use the british one instead of the one of their neighbor island St. Helena. So i used the GB flag.

AO - made a correct one

AQ - made from from the "almost official" flag

BO - made a better one

CC - used local flag from FFF set

CD - both existing flags were wrong, made a new one

CX - used local flag from FFF set

DO - flag corrected

EC - flag corrected

GG - made a new one

GP - made a new one from local flag

HT - flag corrected

IM - made a new one

JE - made a new one

MQ - used local flag from FFF set

SU - made a new one, even if not really needed

TV - made a new one

00 UM US - removed yellow pixel :)

VE - flag corrected

YU - used identical CS flag

Now the collection should be correct, without wrong flags. I used local flags if there was a known one.

The icons are very good but not perfect, i have seen some graphical inconsistencies, that could be tweaked. But this almost affects rare flags.

Update: GT updated, thx

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Been a busy few days :o

.conf has been updated, but as for the .bmp ...

i noticed some errors:

AC - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

BO - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

CR - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

ET - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

MQ - wrong in original set(regional flag), replaced with correct FFF flag

PE - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

PK - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

SM - wrong in original set, replaced with correct FFF flag

AC - British territory, flag is fine

BO - Uses the state flag, which has coat of arms, flag is fine

CR - See BO

ET - Uses official flag until 1996 (new flag has logo in center with rest of flag same), flag is questionable

MQ - Uses unofficial région flag, flag is questionable

PE - See BO

PK - Flag is incorrect, missing white stripe on left side :(

SM - Uses civil flag, which omits coat of arms, flag is fine

Hope that addresses all the possible "wrongs" in the set I posted, if not let me know which ones are in dispute. As for the unknowns, well, if I get around to making flags they'll get fixed ;)

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AC - British territory, flag is fine

BO - Uses the state flag, which has coat of arms, flag is fine

CR - See BO

ET - Uses official flag until 1996 (new flag has logo in center with rest of flag same), flag is questionable

MQ - Uses unofficial région flag, flag is questionable

PE - See BO

PK - Flag is incorrect, missing white stripe on left side :(

SM - Uses civil flag, which omits coat of arms, flag is fine

This flag making is educational :) I am learning new things every day.

Now i see that some countries have different national flags, civil ensigns/merchant flags and state flags.

Great site: http://www.flaggenlexikon.de

It is in german and english.

I think it is best to stick to the national flag.

So for BO it would be without the coat of arms, same for SM.

For CR it is different, there the national flag has the coat of arms.

I apologize for any inconvenience .)

Looks like i have to look through all flags again %)

Well, i am now making my own set. Something less fancy and without shaded borders. But i am adding flags as i see them in ut.

Here is the first sample of my set:


I thought the icon size is not big enough for the shaded borders like in the FFF set. The more fancy details you add, the more you lose on the flags. The only thing i added is a slight gradient to make the icons look less flat.

I focused on minimizing the original flags without changing too much of the appearance. This also considers the aspect ratio of the flag. This i why some flags are not so high as others, other flags are almost square. The swiss flag is square, actually. But if it was necessary i changed the aspect ratio slightly, e.g. flags with three colors of equal width look bad if scaled down to 16px. So i used 15px. IMO this is better than having to use bicubic resampling that generates extra colors that don't look good in this tiny icons. The other solution would be colors of width 5px, 6px, 5px, that also don't look good.

I tried to use as few resampling as possible, but sometimes it has to be done. e.g. The australian flag and the newzealand flag are so detailed that it is impossible to make a good looking one without resampling. The union jack is very detailed on its own. Pack this into 5x10 pixel estate on the australian flag... not easy.

The shown flags are the ones that i came across. I will add new ones as soon as i see them on ut :)

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I apologize for any inconvenience

It's good to have another set of eyes looking for mistakes.

This also considers the aspect ratio of the flag. This i why some flags are not so high as others, other flags are almost square.

While a good idea in theory, in practice it looks silly when you have flags being different sizes (some can't be helped, Nepal for example). I'm personally not a fan of the really "sharp/crisp" flags, instead of the more fancy "blurry" ones as it reminds me more of Win 3.1 instead of XP. To each their own however ;)

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i agree with eng about the aspect ratio. changing that will make flags look strange in proportion to one another, and leads to false conclusions about them. for example, that square red flag with the white cross looks really strange next to the others.

having the flags all different sizes will also make the set as a whole look unprofessional, as if it's pieced together.

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