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WebUI v0.315


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Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> WebUI

If you have limited it to there you need to add a range, or remove it. (Note: it is not recommended to have your webui open to the public) To enable IPs add individual ones, or CIDR notation (Thank adambot http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=241666#p241666 for exposing this nicety) Sorry Lord Alderaan, I misattributed that post to you. But no worries you're still smarter than I.

Edited to be correct.

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Hi guys,

I guess this problem has been posted already but I couldn't find any solution for me untill now - although I've got to admit that I haven't read all 42 pages of this thread yet ;)

I've installed everything correctly and tried every hint given in the readme.txt but still I am stuck on the loading page of webui. I've tried uTorrent 1.7.4 and 1.7.5. I've tried Firefox 3 Beta 1 and IE7. I've tried my internal as well as external IP adress. I've tried the other URL with the '... ?action=setsetting&s=webui.cookie&v={}' but only got the browser feedback '{"":""}'. Nothing worked, I only see the loading page...

Please help! Thanks a lot in advance.


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hi guys

please help me im going crazy

first someone tell me how can i open webui page from same PC that utorrent running or could i doing it?

second: i read all forum and i couldn't understand that how can i place webui.zip into utorrent setting folder someone said that we shouldn't copy it to the folder then how can i add this zip file to this folder

finally i wanna ask you setting my url and webui these are my ip and up:

85.198.22.xx my ip

1720 my U port

alternate listening port 45386

and how can i define the url and webui setting in utorrent

best regards

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Any plans for update? the feature to change queue list. is it that hard to update?

I'm using windows vista 64 ultimate. task scheduled utorrent with my account. Bec. i want to start automatically as the PC turns on (from brown out or restart) since it runs in task schedule no icon or window will pop up. although it runs from my account but it runs before i log-in so there's no other way to access (even boss key) other than webUI.

Currently what i do to put the next download is to click at the last queue and upload (if not work click the first download) so that the torrent that i upload will put at the last queue.

The problem is what if the download is already started. its risky to delete and upload again the torrent just to move or put it to the next queue.

any remedy? before webUI update....

i've been using utorrent 5 yrs before 3yrs on shareaza.

currently running 3:

azureus (when network is congested, very stable)

utorrent (for faster download if not congested)

shareaza (for 3 other kind of network all in one even torrent[but not in use. too slow for torrent])

you might ask why i got azureus and utorrent?

When running in shared network azureus vs utorrent (tested same Torrent, same Tracker, same PC Specs, same OS, same no encryption, same upload slots, same global up rate and same max torrent connections, its just running to different PC and same programs installed and virus free.) the utorrent dies. azureus got 80% bandwidth and utorrent got less than 10% the other 10% is gone.

Maybe its the prise for fastest torrent client.(just a thought)

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uTorrent has and has had the ability to start when computer starts through a registry key different than the scheduler uses.

Yes the webUI is still under development. No I don't know when a new version will be out. No I don't think you should ask for an ETA. Why? Because presumably with all the new features being put into the new 1.8 line I'd hope Directrix would wait until it is feature complete instead of working on it while in-flux and trying to play catch-up between builds.

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Note: I said a different key than the scheduler uses. This is saying the same thing :( After checking the keys myself, indeed it is only putting it under HKCU so no, it won't run as a SYSTEM level account, and the only means to interact with the system account is the webui.

Sorry if I confused you ;)

Edit: If you are running a computer (2K Server or greater) with Terminal Services a.k.a. Multiple Users It is possible to keep multiple user sessions open at once.


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confused here about 1.7.5 build. I've had 1.6.3 working before but now i'm working on a new machine. The ip of the machine is and i've used the default port of 8080. I've dumped webui.zip file to the %AppData%\uTorrent directory which happens to be (documents and settings\user\appdata\xxx). here's where the problem come in, after dumping the .zip file in as well as enabling webUI in the control panel, I still get a can not connect error message. This massage is received when trying to connect on both the remote machine (using and machine machinename) as well as the local machine (usuing

i'm wondering if

1. the webui.zip i've downloaded from the 1st page of this thread is compatible with build 1.7.5??

2. if having all the web files in %AppData%\uTorrent directory is causing a security issue when trying to connect?? if how so do i change path?

error i'm getting:

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

url i'm using


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Err yea, check the readme.txt

I'm writing this right now logged into my 1.6.1 1.7.5 and 1.8 webui's.

Be sure you setup the Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> WebuI pane correctly if you're limiting access to IPs, and that you setup the correct forwarding port when using non-standard port.

Also please note Firefox 3 Beta is not compatible at this time. Nor is IE 6 (but it never will be due to its definition of "standards")

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I am unable to access the webUI via a domain name. I can make it work internally with my internal address. it works externally with my external ip address. but when i try to access it via the domain name set up to this computer it will not load at all.

Note: I am still able to use my ftp server on the same computer using the domain name.

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2. You can move the config file (settings.dat (!!), resume.dat, etc.) to the folder where µTorrent's exe resides.

how do i do that?? I'm guessing the issue i'm having here is b/c i installed the latest uTorrent client (webUI 1.7.5) package to C:\Programs and use the default %AppData%\uTorrent path of (my documents\username\appdata\utorrent). that default installed placed settings.dat in a directory which can not be shared. So upon web service request, the path of the WebUI.zip is in a private folder resulting in "can not connect" error. I've gone over the readme.txt several times and can't find anything i'm gone wrong that could of otherwise caused this. I don't have a limited access list. the same result of "can not connect" also occurs when i do localhost or

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